call me

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You woke up with a pounding headache, once causing you to groan when you opened your eyes. You sat up slowly, catching sight of your dress from last night on the floor and an empty room. You didn't remember much of your night but you do remember Eren being here at one point and your little throw-up wonder he didn't appear to be here now, he was probably disgusted.

You rubbed your forehead while getting up slowly, you remembered last night's events so you threw out your toothbrush and brushed your teeth with a new one you had instead. After finishing up, you were starving at this point so you made your way out of your room to get something to eat downstairs.

You reached the last step and Eren came walking around the corner of your kitchen toward you with a cup in his hand. You were rubbing your head from the pain and he was casually strolling towards you in his black sweatpants and shirtless, which he seemed to be a lot more often.

"Drink this," he handed you a drink without any other greeting, the green smoothie in his hand looked rather unappetizing.

"Ew no."

"If you want that hangover to go away then drink it," he insisted and you held it in your hand, you looked disgusted by the dark green color.

You looked back up from the cup at Eren and you noticed something on his face, making your heart sink a little.

"Are you cheating on me?"

"How the fuck did you get all that from me giving you a smoothie???" He tilted his head to the side in concern.

"You have light pink kiss marks stained on your cheek." You stared at the right side of his cheek and he started laughing at you.

"Nothing's funny."

"No, what's funny is that you're the one who gave me these, and I have a picture to prove it." He was laughing to himself and reached into his pocket to pull out his phone, you weren't nearly as amused as he was.

"See." He turned his phone over to you, showing you the picture he took in the car of you kissing his cheek and he had a smile on his face, laughing at your sudden clinging to him.

"Oh...sorry," you apologized and he laughed while you still had yet to take a sip, you glanced down and caught a peek of his happy trail tracing up the center of his stomach, you looked back up at him and he squinted a little.

"What are you looking at?"

"The floor." You spoke quickly before drinking the smoothie to cover up the fact that he caught you staring.

It tasted like a mix of vegetables and that's all, it was very bitter you didn't think he put any sugar in it but your head was in pain so you kept drinking it.

"Is it good?" He smirks a little and you stop drinking halfway.

"No." You denied it and look at the green concoction again before looking at him in front of you.

"You know you're clingy when you're drunk," he points out and you suddenly felt embarrassed, thinking he probably was annoyed with it.


"Don't apologize, I wasn't complaining." He added before walking back into the kitchen and you followed him and peeked your head around to corner, he was drying off your washed blender that he used and putting it back where you originally had it.

You downed the rest of the smoothie, quickly to get it over with and you yawned and made your way over to the couch. You left the cup on your coffee table before sitting down on the couch, you reached for the remote to put something on and Eren came out from the kitchen to join you on the couch.

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