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You'd eventually just fallen asleep, when people told you things when you were tired or just woke up, you never really paid attention to what they were actually saying.

You woke up with it looking completely different outside, you were in your oversized hoodie Eren put you in but didn't grab pants apparently. You yawned as you got up and checked the time on his alarm by his bed, you had been asleep for four hours.

You were hungry, you got up, and because you knew Eren was the only one in the house you just walked out of his room dressed in the hoodie, barely covering your bottom half. You stretched your arms out and yawned before turning into the kitchen, you were still have asleep but you noticed it was really quiet.

You turned your head as you were grabbing bread to make a sandwich and you saw two men sitting on the couch and Eren sitting in front of them on the couch across from them, Eren was sliding money through an electronic money counter that was on the coffee table in front of them, both the men turned and looked at you while Eren didn't even react.

"Eren!" You shouted and ducked down behind the island counter in the middle of the kitchen.

You quickly got refreshed on what he said to you before you fell asleep, you'd think by now that they'd be done after four hours.

"You guys lookin' at her?" Eren didn't address you hiding behind the counter but instead focused his attention on the men in front of him as he slid another stack of money into the counter.

They remained silent, you sensed something different from how Eren was speaking to them.

"Answer me. 'Cause if you were looking at her, I'll kill you." He claimed casually and wrapped the money that was counter with a rubber band, you peeked your head past the corner of the counter and saw him remaining so calm but seeming so angry at the same time.

"We weren't."

"You weren't?" Eren smirked subtly from the corner of his mouth and set the money aside.

"No." They responded and didn't glance over to the kitchen at all.

"Get up y/n." Eren demanded from his spot on the couch, he continued counting money, and not another word was spoken.

You awkwardly made your sandwich and glanced behind you, Eren placed the counted money into two book bags and zipped them both up. You quickly went back into his room with your sandwich and shut the door behind yourself.


"Why'd you come out? I told you there would be people over," Eren came into the room toward you sitting on his bed after less than an hour of waiting.

"I forgot, I wasn't really listening when you told me," you explained and he went and sat next to you, he pulled out his phone and started texting next to you.

Normally, you weren't one to look through other people's phones or even take a little peek but something just told you to look. You glanced over at his phone and who he was texting, you saw Historia's name on the screen and rolled your eyes.

You didn't even see the actual text messages for you to even be rolling your eyes but you did anyway. You recalled the time he said that he "fixed her up" in reference to sleeping with her before Jean did. You grew disgusted for a moment and wondered if he would try to talk about you in the same way.

"I want to go home." You blurted, he looked over from his phone at you and you were staring at the wall in front of you.

"It's too big of a risk. Your ex—"

"He's stalked me before, it's nothing new. Sit outside my window like you have before," you shrugged and stood up.

"You're so confusing, do you just get randomly pissed at me for no reason?"

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