end of the line

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You were unable to keep your eyes completely open, your blinks felt slow and heavy. You could hear Connie yelling at Eren but it sounded faint and far away, Eren got on the floor next to you and shouted back at Connie.

"Go get your fucking car!" Eren yelled at him, causing Connie to rush off in the other direction.

"I'm gonna apply pressure, it's gonna hurt but I gotta stop the bleeding baby," Eren says frantically, moving his hand over to the bullet wound and pressing down.

"Keep your eyes open for me, okay?!" He says with a sense of urgency, you moved your hand a smidge over, just enough so that your hand was on top of his on your stomach.

You could hear his voice but you struggled to reply, you coughed up blood and even with your limited eyesight the horror on Eren's face was something you'd never forget. He started saying something to you, you could hear him but all you could tell was that he'd never sounded so worried before, which scared you even more as the pain from your abdomen started to disappear...along with your view of Eren's face.



"How long has it been?" Connie ends the silence in the area, I had been staring at the wall ahead of me for hours.

"Eight hours." I answered, I could feel him staring at me waiting for me to suggest moving from this very spot but I refused.

There was still blood on my hands, I carried her into the hospital eight hours ago and I haven't moved since. She was in surgery, and the amount of blood she lost was enough to drag on this surgery for much longer than eight hours.

"I'm gonna go get some water...do want anything?" He stood up from his seat and I shook my head, I couldn't get myself to stand unless it was about y/n.

I should've known leaving her alone wasn't a good idea, I thought the security guard was enough but it wasn't. She had to suffer because of that...because I put my trust in security for her other than myself. The doors of the emergency room opened, and a doctor came walking out and removing his mask as he approached me, I was the only one in this section of the hospital for the waiting area.

"Eren Jaeger?" The doctor called out my name, I stood up looking a bit frantic, his face didn't look particularly pleasing and it worried me even more.

"Yes, that's me. Is she okay??"

"Well as you can imagine, she's lost a lot of blood. We've removed the bullet from her abdomen but she's not currently conscious. I was told she wasn't breathing when she arrived...which could result in a coma." He informed and at that moment my body completely froze, I stared at him with nothing to say despite the millions of outcomes running through my brain.

"That's not to say that she will go into a coma, we're just unsure at this point due to the severity of how long she wasn't breathing. We'll get a room prepared and I'll let you know when you're able to see her." He comments, he waited for a moment to see if I had anything else to say but I didn't, he walked off back through the double doors and I just stood there.

She didn't deserve any of this, she had nothing to do with my problems with Armin yet she was punished for it. The one time I couldn't protect her...her life was left on the line for it.

She was the closest I'd ever been to love, I didn't want to lose her. If anything, my love for her was all of me, everything I had I'd give to her without a second thought, if she wanted me to give her my heart I'd do it without hesitation. If she wanted to be the only woman I ever laid my eyes upon, I'd agree to it with no problem, I'd do anything for her and I wanted to continue to do so...she couldn't die on me, she couldn't.

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