his mind

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You read the message, not feeling much fear because Eren was with you but at the same time it felt like something you should mention. Then again, you didn't want him to feel like you were snooping around on his phone.

"Y/n how do I use your oven?!" Eren shouted from downstairs, you looked up and turned your head to your bedroom door. You grabbed the white silk robe you had hanging on the door and dropped your towel before wrapping yourself in the robe.

You grabbed his phone with the intention of giving it to him without making it seem like you saw the message. You hurried out of the bathroom and downstairs to assist him with your oven, you saw him standing in front of your oven and pressing the touch screen becoming more and more confused.

"You press this button then that one," you pressed the correct buttons and saw the oven light turn on with the pizza he ordered inside.

"You left your phone upstairs...there's another robe on the door if you want that," you tried handing him his phone but he seemed a little distracted by something else.

He didn't grab his phone from your hand, you felt it buzz again with another text message but you made sure not to glance down at it.

"Eren??" You repeated his name and blinked at him a couple of times, you followed his eyes and looked down to find that your robe was fallen to the side a little exposing some of your chest so you quickly covered up again and waved his phone in his face.

He took his phone from your hand and you were slightly amused by how airheaded he appeared for the moment.

"You shouldn't stare, it's impolite Eren." You advised jokingly but kept a straight face.

He was looking down at his phone, assuming that he was reading the messages so you didn't say anything but instead walked around him to get to your fridge for a bottle of water. You could hear the sound of him replying to the message when you opened the fridge and after you grabbed the water bottle and closed it and he completely vanished, he wasn't in the kitchen anymore at all but you looked around to see if he'd gone into the living room but he wasn't there either.

You shrugged it off and made your way to the couch, your legs were already feeling a little sore, especially your inner thighs so you found comfort in the couch.

Honestly, you'd forgotten all about Armin. You didn't think he was really a threat anymore since you left so he eventually just faded from your worries. You remember when you told Eren to just "kill him and get it over with" and he told you it wasn't that simple, you never knew what he meant by that and you still didn't.

Maybe there were more things you didn't know about Eren than you thought and you weren't sure how you felt about that. Eren has always felt a least a little bit of a mystery to you...you understood that there were certain things he probably wasn't comfortable talking about but it seemed to be a lot that he just didn't talk about. It was his way of shielding you from his lifestyle or work but you didn't understand why he did that anymore when you've shown countless times it doesn't bother you like he thinks it does.

"What are you thinkin about?" Eren pops up behind the couch, looking at you as you were lost in thought.

You looked up as you were laying on the couch and saw him in the black robe that came with the set, it was a men's robe so it fits him fine.

"Oh...nothing," you lied and he walked around the couch to join you.

He sat down and lifted your legs up so that they were over his lap but he quickly changed his mind and placed himself on top of you instead, laying his head on your chest suddenly and you laughed.

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