two steps back

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It was Wednesday of the next week, you and Eren hadn't spoken to each other, he didn't randomly break in or anything of the sort. You hung out with Connie a couple of times and not in a romantic way, he was really fun to be around when you two were just hanging out so you left like that.

You sat on your bed editing some photos for your next exhibit coming up, you decided to focus more on that since it's what you enjoyed. Sasha had been out of the house a lot more, with practice and her and Niccolo going on dates almost every single day, you had a lot of time to yourself.

Out of nowhere, you got the impulsive idea to buy a piano for yourself. You really did enjoy playing, you grabbed your keys and set your laptop down.


"I just don't understand what you did. You're always so angry with her it's concerning." My mother pointed out while wiping down the counter and I sat at the table.

"I was being honest, it's not my fault when she takes it to heart," I responded and I could feel her stare, it made me turn around only for her to scold me.

"You "hate" her because she's exactly like you. Don't bother denying it because I know that's the reason, the way you two talk to each other, argue with each other and look at one another. It's the same, you pick on her as your way of picking on yourself indirectly. You're not slick at all Eren." She accused and threw away the paper towel, she walked over and sat next to me despite me not having anything to say after her accusations.

"You need to apologize for whatever you said to her. I didn't raise you to be this much of an asshole." She scolded again and I set my spoon down and stopped eating.

"Why do I need to? We aren't friends so—"

"Exactly! I'm tired of you hanging out with the same two people, you need to branch out of your comfort zone. You've never had a girlfriend and I'm getting older Eren!!"

"How did you go from me being friends with her to her being my girlfriend?" I questioned and she just rolled her eyes and flicked my forehead.


This was a very impulsive decision and you realized that when you made it back home. You were going to have to build the piano yourself and figure out how to get the big box out of your car and through the door all by yourself.

You stood in your driveway with your car door wide open and trying to decide on how you should go about this. Sometimes you really hated your impulsive behavior, you managed to pull the wide and long cardboard box out of your car. You pushed it along the cemented driveway until you got to your front door, there was a bit of a step up to get to the door so you weren't sure how you were going to lift it.

"I'll get it," A voice announced from behind you, you turned around and saw Eren walking up the driveway, you always wondered how he was so good at being silent.

You sighed and turned your back to him again, you didn't want to deal with him whatsoever.

"Go away." You dismissed and tried pushing the box again but it obviously didn't budge that much.

"Stop pushing like that before you hurt yourself," he advised and moved over to the box, moving closer to you and the two of you stood right next to each other behind the box.

"Don't tell me what to do this is my house. I didn't even invite you over."

He ignored you and lifted up the box with ease then pushed it in through your front door.

"I'm not saying thank you because I didn't ask you to do that." You said and entered inside your house, you closed the door behind you because you knew how he thought now.

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