came back

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Sasha was in her room blasting her music, you couldn't stop thinking about who pushed you over. You stared in the mirror, observing the scrapes on your elbow that you hated. You also looked at your arm and saw the indent of the ring from whoever pushed you was wearing, it had little squiggly lines imprinted in it and you were surprised they were still there.

You heard a loud banging on your front door, over and over again. You rush downstairs to go see who is at the door, you were in a black tank top and shorts you only wore in the house for obvious reasons. You opened the door to see Eren standing there with a calm expression on his face.


"You left your bracelet on my couch. You broke it while your tongue was in Connie's mouth." Eren slid his hand out of his leather jacket pocket and put it in front of you.

"Oh...thanks," you grabbed it and noticed his sleeves were rolled up, he had a ring on his middle finger and you observed it while grabbing your bracelet. You looked down and his shiny belt buckle was peeking from his unzipped jacket where his shirt was tucked in just a bit in that spot.

He had a scrape on his elbow.

"It was you." You blurted abruptly as he started walking away, right through your front lawn.

"You shoved me from the car—"

"No idea what you're talking 'bout sweetheart," he continued walking without even looking your way.

"Sweetheart? Do you even remember my name?!"

"Sure don't, sunshine," he continued walking off until he got to his car.


"How did you figure out where I live?!" You called out to him but all he did was ignore you and get back into his car.

You got the feeling that he was poking fun at you rather than just making up some nickname for you. Odd enough, he drove off right after and Sasha's music was still as loud as ever. You shut the door with your broken bracelet in hand and headed upstairs to just call it a night.


"On my way now, had somethin' to take care of before I got to ya," I spoke over the phone while driving off into the night.

"What was it?"

"I dropped my bike off at the shop." I lied through my lips and hung up the phone after, two many details led to questions I didn't feel like answering.

I pulled up in front of the street we were meeting at, parked my car a block down from the actual street, and walked the rest of the way. It was pitch black outside and there was only one street like working, as always.

"Yo Boss!" A male voice shouted from the other side of the street, I looked over and made my way to him after realizing who it was.

"He came into the club about fifteen minutes ago, he's had about five drinks so far but he didn't come alone—"

"Got it." I cut off and walked around him, I walked up the stairs outside the building.

"Do you want backup? Or any of us to come?!"

"No. Stay down there." I ordered and looked back, I could see him staring at me from the bottom of the metal steps.

"But there's six of them up there."



"I mean why would I throw myself across the parking deck?!" You scoff while eating your cereal.

TOO EASYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon