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Y/n had become more to me than someone I just saved countless times whether or not I liked or hated her didn't matter, she was something I needed to experience...and I realized that now.

I'd taken a step closer to her, I watched as she seemed to be breathing a bit heavier and so was I. I glanced down at her lips for a moment, lips I'd grown attached to. Touching her, I always seemed to want to. Whether it was sexual or not...I just wanted to make her feel good, emotionally and sexually. Before, I had struggled to touch her without worrying but now...all I wanted to do was touch her. Touch her mind, her soul...her heart.

"I'm going out. Do you want me to take you back home?"


You gulped, a little more confused by what he chose to say next after all that.

"Yeah I guess..." you mumble, he acknowledges you and then just walks away like nothing happened.


"Ready?" He was at the front door and you walked around the corner to meet him, when he saw you he opened the door and walked out of it along with you following behind him before he shut and locked the door.

You both got into his car and he kept silent, the ride back to your house wasn't too long but long enough where the silence became a little hard to sit through. He arrived on your street and stopped the car in your driveway, Sasha came running out the house up to your window and you hesitantly rolled it down.

"Come on! I got you a date tonight, isn't that amazing?!" She shouts at you the moment the window rolls down, your sudden concern was stripped away after she informed you.

"No Sasha—" she opened your car door and yanked you out of it to drag you back to the house, you never knew she was capable of such strength to drag you like she was doing.

You were just barely able to close the door she yanked you out of, you only caught a glance but you saw Eren didn't look too happy. After that, she pulled you inside and slammed the door shut behind you.

"I'm not going on any dates! And don't yank me so hard!" You yelled at her while rubbing your shoulder.

"Of course not, why would I set you up on a date without your permission?" She laughs and heads over to the kitchen where you saw that she had ordered food.

"So then why did you say you did?"

"To make Eren jealous. Did you see the look on his face?? He definitely likes you." She had never smiled so big before, she walked into the kitchen and sat in front of her to-go box, and began eating.

"He's not jealous, we aren't dating." You explained calmly and walked over to join her at the kitchen table.

"We'll see." She smirks after you sat down next to her at the table.

"We'll see what?"

"I guarantee he's going to show up at your window before tonight, claiming he doesn't want you to go on the date. Then you kiss, get married, and happily ever after!" She smiles and pops a fry into her mouth.

"You're ridiculous," you scoffed and ate from the other to-go box she had out for you.


After eating with Sasha, you showered and changed. You opened your laptop on your desk and sat down to check your email, by the time you got out of the shower it was already five, you didn't realize you and Eren woke up so late today. You were scrolling through until you got an email from the director of the program you were in, you opened it and saw that you'd been assigned a task.

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