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"Why are you calling me?" You played it cool, responding as you normally would for someone who was trying to act like you weren't panicking.

"Are you actually coming to the house thing I invited Connie to or were you just fucking around?"

"Well, Connie is the one who invited me—" you answered and there was a long pause before he just hung up the phone suddenly, he didn't say anything at all and you shrugged it off and continued tearing your room apart for the box but you couldn't find it.

Honestly, you were freaking out but pretended you didn't care at all until you eventually forgot about it. You stopped trashing your room and put everything back in place, sure, you could pretend that this wasn't on your mind but a small part of you had it running in your mind on loop the rest of the day.

If something was out of place or not going how you wanted them to go, it's all you'd think about no matter how hard you tried not to.

He wasn't your problem and neither was whatever what was in the box, right?

"Y/nnnn! I'm going to the park do you wanna come?!" Sasha shouted from downstairs after you finished cleaning up.

"Sure! Give me a sec," you shouted back and opened your closet to grab black leggings and a casual tee, you and Sasha liked to roll down hills at the park so you didn't put effort into your outfit.

You met with her downstairs and realized very quickly that she didn't mean a "walk in the park" but rather a full-on workout. She was in her sports bra and gym leggings with tennis shoes, you don't say anything until you got to the park and she started jogging.

"You tricked me again! When you brought up the park I thought you meant we could roll down the hills not go for a run!" You accused at the start of the sidewalk, it was just evening time so the sun was setting and the weather was perfectly cool.

Sasha's ponytail was moving side to side but it came to a stop after you accused her.

"We can still roll down the hill but I wanted to go on a quick run! It's nice out—"

Your phone buzzed in the middle of her sentence, you grabbed it out of your pocket and checked the notification. It was an email for the photography program you were in, there was some sort of get-together to showcase your photos and it was a last-minute type of thing.

"Saved by the bell. Bye Sasha!" You smiled as the building the event was in was just across the street, she shrugged and you ran off to get into the building quickly.

It wasn't a planned event so you didn't care that you were in rather casual clothing, when you entered the museum-like building, the others were dressed similar to you as well so you just checked yourself in at the table set up with a sheet of paper on the clipboard.

"Y/n! Glad you could make it on such short notice. I've prepped your photos right over there," the main instructor of the program spoke calmly and pointed to where your area was, you nodded after signing yourself in and headed over there.

You all were free to walk around and look at everyone else's photos, along with photos there were sculptures and paintings too so you got to get inspiration from others while people came into the building to look at everyone's art.

Photography was something that started as a hobby and continued to be one, you did have people who bought a couple of your pieces but nothing major. Recently, you'd been looking for a job to stabilize your expenses and in all honesty, you didn't mind your job being something in the creative field but that obviously wasn't much of a possibility.

The art gallery was a cold dim gray, with dark gray walls and a white trim and glosses cement floors that you could see your own reflection in. The gallery was like a maze, you were closer to the front which you appreciated but you decided to walk around a bit to look at all the art up on the walls.

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