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The cold air, fogged windows, and the air slipping past your lips after every breath. Winter. The bare trees and soft snowflakes fell gracefully, after every step you took the snow crunching under your shoes.

You were in a rush to get inside, when you spotted the cafe you were supposed to be meeting him at, you turned and hurried to the glass door. The chimes at the door made a noise when you opened it, you glanced off to the left looking for him, and you saw him sitting by the fogged window and looking out of it. You unzipped your winter jacket and walked over to sit at the table with him.

You caught his eye and he smiled warmly at you when he saw you approaching, you took your jacket off and put it on the back of your chair before sitting down.

"Hey!, Glad, you could make it even with the snow," he greeted with a smile and you smiled back at him.

"Is this for me?" You pointed to the drink in front of your seat and he nodded.

"I didn't know what you wanted but I got my drink and thought I should get you one too."

"That's sweet. Thank you,"

A date. You agreed to go on a date with a guy you ran into a work a couple of times, you didn't work in the same department but you often ran into each other. You haven't dated in a little over a year, you figured it was time to try dating told yourself you were over Eren and there was no harm in dating again.

He was an attractive guy, Mason, he didn't have any tattoos or piercings which surprised you a little that you found him attractive, given your track record. It made sense since he was a model and tattoos had been taboo along with piercings. You started chatting casually, talking about work at first then moving on to the snow and you complimenting the drink he chose.

"Any hobbies outside of modeling?"

"I actually play the piano in my free time." He informed, you made a slightly shocked expression and set down your cup.

"Do you have any videos? I'd love to hear you play!" You got slightly excited over your shared interest and you watched him reach for his phone and pull out a video to play for you.

He clicked on a video in his camera roll and you watched the video of him playing together, the video started off with him playing the end of another song so that's not what set you off.

It was the song that he played after.

You recognized the song he was playing, the keys he was hitting with his fingers.

It was your could you not remember?

It was the same song Eren memorized to play for caught him on campus in one of the only closets playing on some worn-down piano...for you. You listened to him playing, he was playing perfectly until the end...he didn't play the last note fast enough, the same note Eren would always mess up on too. Your heart sunk to your stomach, you thought you would be over him by now but if that was true you wouldn't feel like crying right about now.

"I'm sorry...I have to go." you gulped and looked away from the phone, you gathered your things quickly, followed by you grabbing your coat off the chair and hurrying off.

You heard him say something in a worried tone to you as you left but you were too deep into your own feelings that you didn't quite hear him. You slid your coat on whilst making your way out the door in a rush. Snowflakes were falling and you were back leaving your footprints in the snow.


You looked around, hoping to soot anything other than snowflakes but you found bare trees.

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