nothing's forever

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3:08 AM.

A loud ringing paired with a buzz disrupts what you consider your most important hours, the hours that you are asleep. You groaned and slapped your hand on your side table until you felt your phone, all you saw was a green button so you clicked it and put the phone to your ear without checking the contact.

"Hello??" You answered the phone with a tone and on the other end there was complete silence.

"Helloooo??" You repeated again and sat up, you rubbed your eye and even though you were squinting from the sudden call, you checked the called ID and saw Eren's name.

"You're so pretty..." he mumbles into the phone and you stopped rubbing your eye and checked the time.

"You called me three in the morning to tell me I'm pretty?"

"It's three in the morning?" He repeated back to you, his tone of voice was very different than you'd ever heard before.

"Eren...are you drunk?" You didn't want to believe that he was but how he was talking suggested otherwise.

"You know I don't drink baby..." he let's out a little chuckle over the phone but you still didn't completely believe him.

"Where are you right now?" You pulled the cover back and got out of bed, you hurried over to your dresser and put a sweatshirt over your pajamas before rushing downstairs and waiting for his reply.

"The bar on fifty-second street...come see me," he answers and you grabbed your car keys quickly.

"Stay there and I will. I'm on my way." You spoke fast and locked your door behind you.


It was freezing outside, making it harder for you to search for him without freezing to death. There were lots of bars on the street he told you but you could only recall one that was open this late.

You parked your car on the side of the street and crossed the road with your hands tucked in the pouch of your sweatshirt. You saw the bar with the bright open sign hanging in the window, you got up on the sidewalk and opened the door to get a huge whiff of alcohol and weed as soon as you entered.

You looked around only looking for Eren, you found him sitting in the lounge area with a blunt pressed to his mouth, but that didn't mean he wasn't also drunk too. You walked over to him, taking a deep breath to prepare yourself for whatever kind of drunk Eren was but even a deep breath didn't change how scared you were. Eren was strict about his drinking, mainly because he always drove and he was very strict about that too, you remember when he told you he only drinks two drinks and that was his rule.

"Eren...?" You approached him and leaned into the couch, he still smiled when he saw you and exhaled; blowing all the smoke out his mouth.

"Come on," you reached for his hand and tugged him back, pulling him up off the couch and he surprisingly went with it and got up.

You put his arm over your shoulder, he wasn't walking weirdly but just in case, you wanted to be careful. He smelled like alcohol in weed, you were really scared because you'd never seen him like this and it was so unexpected, he didn't seem this terrible when he left you but something clearly happened.

You lead him out of the bar, at first you thought getting him to leave the bar was going to be the hard part but it wasn't. You got him to your car and opened the passenger door, you tried getting him inside your car but he was insistent on not letting go of you.

"You're so beautiful," he compliments again and leans up against your car rather than sitting down in the passenger seat.

"Thank you. Now get in the car please," you sighed and he just reached into the pocket of his pants while ignoring your request, he pulled out what looked like a photo and leaned against your car staring at the photo with a smile across his face.

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