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Showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.

Eren was someone you wouldn't expect to be naive, he was someone who seemed like he was very logical and particular about most of the decisions he made. Truth was that's how he made himself appear, other than that he had no such experience, wisdom, or judgment to back it up.

At least compared to you.

Maybe with others who weren't as observant as you, he was seen on top. He thought less of you, you knew that.

You got him.

It was the next morning and you had class, Sasha didn't have class until the afternoon so you didn't see her as she chose to sleep in. You made it to class and you were sitting with your laptop out taking notes here and there.

You planned everything in your head perfectly, you made no room for mistakes. You took notes but didn't pay much attention, you just typed what you heard. You had exactly one hour until your next class after this one, and in that hour you would get all the answers you needed.

"You're all dismissed. Assignments are up on my website they're due by the end of the week." Your professor informed you, you quickly gathered your things and left the building fast.

You needed to get to the store to get a flash drive, you got to your car and made your way there accordingly.

You got the flash drive from the store and just did everything you needed to in your car. You sat in your seat with your laptop on your lap and the flash drive on your computer.

"I put it somewhere she'd never look."

He was pathetic. Truly, you'd think the guy that did a background check on you would've done a bit more research. He knew about the parts you were ashamed of but didn't think about how having an insane boyfriend in your past would affect you in the future. A bug.

You'd been bugged countless times by your ex, he was insane and Eren knew about him but not all of what he did.

Last night you saw him slip the bug in the lock mechanisms, he thought he was slick by installing them behind the lock itself, not inside. You gave it to him, that was smart but you weren't an idiot. You had your suspicions of him already which is exactly why you played dumb when he asked about a toolbox.

You connected the bug to your computer and made sure the flash drive saved everything you were going to hear. You accessed the bug he thought he planted in your house, you could hear his conversation from last night with his Dad.

You wrote down the names you heard and any locations, you were hoping to hear something you could use against Eren but you didn't. After they mentioned someone named Armin, the ride became silent and everything after that was useless information.

You'd never heard of Armin before, you weren't even sure he went to the same college but he must've been important by the way they were talking about him.

You checked the time and realized you needed to head back now, you saved everything on your flash drive and drove back to campus to make it in time for your next class.


"I've got practice today so I'll be home late. Historia's taking us to some team dinner thing," Sasha spoke over the phone as you were getting into your car.

"Alright, have fun." You ended the call and drove yourself home like usual.

You parked your car in the driveway and got out with your bag, you had your earbuds in and hummed the lyrics to the song while unlocking the door and entering inside. You didn't think much of anything, you mindlessly.

TOO EASYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon