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Six months.

Six months is all it took for him to become completely unrecognizable, I've known him my entire life, and I've seen him at what I thought was his worst and even his best but no...this was his worst.

I stared forward at the tall metal gates with barbed wire wrapped around the top and watched him approach casually.

"Did you gain any intelligence while you were in there?" My back was leaned against my car and my arms were crossed over my chest as I watched him walk out of the gates.

"I just got out and you're already pissing me off." He groaned and approached me.

"I'm the one who paid your bail so I get to piss you off as I please," I scoffed and turned around to open the car door to get in.

It's been six months since y/n left and all it took was not even a month after her leaving for Eren to lose all intelligence and get himself arrested. They didn't grant him bail at all until six months later, of course, I had the money but I also hoped him being in there for six months would knock some sense into his thick skull. Without y/n he'd gotten reckless, he didn't seem to care much about his own well-being which obviously puts everybody else involved with him at risk.

His recklessness almost cost him his freedom. He got arrested for killing the guy who shot me a few months back, he wasn't smart about it, and there ended up being witnesses at the scene...something Eren had never been so careless about.

He got in the car and I started the car, my arm healed decently over the time he was gone so I could drive comfortably.

"You're lucky none of the witnesses could point you out. You probably wouldn't have even gotten bail,"

"You sound like my mother." He sighed and turned his head to stare out of the window.

"I called y/n...told her that you got arrested," I informed, he went silent for a few seconds but I saw his jaw clench just at the sound of her name.

"She hung up as soon as I mentioned your name, in case you were wondering how she reacted." I chuckled while driving and he just became irritated with me, as expected.

"What's the point of telling me?"

"To make you feel like shit."


"Move your arm a little bit more to the left," you instructed and positioned your camera a little bit more to the side.

The model did as told and you took a couple of pictures of her in the brand you had been hired to take pictures for, she switched poses and you continued taking photos and adjusting the camera to your liking. Nobody told you that the first six months were going to be the hardest, the workload was insane along with the mental load you've been trying to work through alone.

You were doing really well career-wise, after two months of being here you were able to afford your own studio. After you leave you decided remaining enrolled in college wasn't something you wanted anymore...besides, you were only in that specific major for your dad so you dropped out to save yourself from spending any more money on tuition. You were sad about it at first but when more brands and models began reaching out to you about you rubbing their photoshoots, it didn't seem that upsetting anymore.

"I'll print these out and have them sent over to your manager by the end of the week. You did a great job." You said to the model before she left back away from the backdrop to change back into her regular clothes.

You considered yourself to be doing well, you were making more money than you expected to make and you hadn't even been working for a year yet. You thought you would be happier by now... you've never been stuck up on a guy or even let a guy affect you as much as Eren did.

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