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"So I'll...see you this week?" You'd broken from the kiss with his hands still firmly on your waist, you were trying not to smile at him and it was harder than you thought.

"Yeah...get home safe." He slid his hands off your waist and backed up, you smiled a little more than you usually did at him and got into your car.

You drove off trying to stop smiling but you couldn't, the entire drive back all you were thinking about was him. You didn't expect anyone to show up today yet he did, he showed up for you. No one had ever shown up for you like he did, he knew it was important to you and drove an hour out to look at your photos and he'd protected you more times than you could count.

You tapped your finger against your leather steering wheel with a consistent smile on your face, you were smiling like an idiot over a boy. He made you feel good and that was more than enough for you, your experience with men hadn't been pleasant most of the time but Eren was so fulfilling to have in your life.



"Are you okay?" My mom peaked her head in the room I was in, I sat face forward at my piano but hadn't managed to play a single note.

"No. I'm sick." I remarked and sighed a little.

She walked over to me and placed her hand on my forehead, I wasn't actually sick obviously and she decided to sit next to me.

"You finally figured out you like her, didn't you?" She took a deep breath in and exhaled when I looked at her.

"I didnt say that."

"You didn't have to. I'm your mother, I know everything." She boasts proudly and sits comfortably next to me.

"It's normal to actually like people Eren, you're not sick. Especially with how much time you and y/n spend together, I'm not surprised you feel this way about her."

"I don't want to feel any way about her," I added stubbornly and stared back at the piano keys.

"That's not really up to you, you like her and that's okay. I was getting worried you weren't ever going to date anyone—"

"I'm not going to date her." I denied and she just sighed again, she got up and pat me on the back.

"If you want me to believe that you don't like her, maybe stop taking piano lessons after classes to improve your skills for her."



It was the following afternoon and you were leaving the building with your bag over your shoulder, Eren wasn't in your last class but you didn't think much of it. You carried on your way walking the campus, today's parking was insane so you had to park across the street in the parking deck.

You crossed the street quickly and made your way inside the parking deck, you parked on the second floor so you just walked up passed the row of cars until you spotted your car. You were looking at your phone and glancing up every so often until you reached your car.

"Excuse me?" A deep voice caught your attention from behind you, you looked over to the front of your car as you were just about to unlock your car door and you saw Eren's dad just standing there...waiting for you.


"It's been brought to my attention that I need to clarify some things for you." He says, he takes steps toward you and you glance down at his shoes.

He's in a classic tux with no tie, pitch black with a white button-up that he left unbuttoned at the top a bit and his shoes were shiner than ever. This wasn't a situation where you could try to be more intimidating, now that you knew what Eren was a part of, you also knew what type of business Grisha was a part of.

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