at a loss

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Before I went to her house, something changed. I said I'd protect her, I practically promised that to her so why would I hurt her? I wasn't so sure that I was going to anymore, I'd protect her from everyone, including myself if it came down to it. So it shouldn't have even been a worry in the first place, I planned on heading back to my place but got distracted on the road and just drove over to my mom's.

It was cold out but I didn't mind, knowing that y/n decided to take my hoodie even though she had a closet full of clothes not even five steps away from her was funny to me. I unlocked the front door and opened it, I couldn't stop thinking about her, I entered in and unknowingly was smiling a little at the thought of her under me.

"What are you smiling about?" My mom saw me headed upstairs and I looked over at her.

"Oh...nothing," I kept walking upstairs and she paused with a bag of chips in her hand as she watched me continue smiling to myself.



The first thing you did when you woke up was find a way to cover the hickies on your neck, you didn't want makeup to sweat off your instead you went with an oversized jacket and a turtleneck that would cover them all. You smiled a little when you thought about last night, you weren't sure how this would change things between the two of but change was bound to happen anyway, right?

You finished getting dressed in your own oversized jacket that you left unzipped at first and a turtleneck underneath. Thankfully, it was slightly chilly out so this wouldn't raise suspicion, the weather worked out in your favor but the aching feeling through your legs did not.

You grabbed your bag off the floor slowly, leaning down seemed to sting more than you anticipated. You put the bag over your shoulder gently and made your way downstairs, Sasha was eating a bowl of cereal at the table and looked up from her bowl when she saw you.

"Morning," you greeted and she started giggling to herself over the bowl of cereal.

"What? I didn't say anything...?" You watched her giggles get softer before she coughed and pretended like she wasn't giggling seconds before.

"Have a good day y/n!" She smiles on your way to the door and you shook your head and left right after that.


You were leaving your second to last class of the day, walking out into the hall with your earbuds in. You looked to the left and saw Eren and Connie talking, they looked like they were having somewhat of a serious conversation. You had no intention of going over there so you left out the building, you had a little time to spare until your next class so you took your time walking.

You enjoyed the start of the fall weather, your legs were a little sore still but you refused to walk like you were in pain. The wind picked up causing leaves to fall from the auburn-colored trees. You stepped up the steps to the Davis building for the class you shared with Eren and walked inside.

You sat in your usual spot and decided to use your notebook instead of your laptop for some reason but you ended up getting distracted and you just doodled most of the lecture. Eren was sitting across from you to your left, you still hadn't talked to each other and you didn't text him either. It didn't feel awkward or anything and at least this time you weren't ignoring him, you just didn't know what to say.

In the middle of class, you heard a chair moving against the floor over the sound of your professor's voice. You continued to doodle on your notebook until you heard someone sitting right next to you in your usual empty chair. You looked up from your doodles and saw Eren sitting next to you. He grabbed a blue colored pen that was next to your other pens and started to add a doodle on the page that you were drawing on.

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