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After all that, you ended up falling asleep in your own pillow of tears. You woke up with puffy eyes, dreading the day to come. You rested there in silence for a couple of minutes, realizing that everything was changing much faster than you would've liked, even if you didn't like it you still had to pull yourself together no matter how shitty you felt.

You couldn't give yourself a break,  you were more disappointed with the fact that Eren didn't even want to try at all. He denied it before even giving you the chance, despite all the things you were feeling you still had a deadline. You got up to open your laptop, you needed to send an acceptance email or all this fuss and heartbreak would be for nothing.

You typed slowly, tracing your fingers over the keys to type up the email accepting the job offer. You didn't know how soon or how late you'd be leaving but you had a lot to do regardless. You reread the email over before sending it and realized that your current job was promising an apartment in the other country as well.

That was one thing you didn't have to worry about, after sending the email you sat there for a moment. You glanced down at your chest and realized you were still wearing the necklace he gave you, you knew it was probably expensive and even if he didn't tell you, it felt right to give it back to him. There wasn't anything you could do for a person who didn't want to try, convincing him long distance would work between you two clearly didn't work.

Your sadness became frustration, you were frustrated that he was asking you to give up something you'd worked hard for. Frustrated that he only seemed to see one side of things, as if he couldn't comprehend you even considering accepting the job over him. You didn't feel you were placing your job over him, you felt as if you were finally putting yourself first.

You stood up and figured all you could do was try and get your mind off things, no matter how much you wanted things to be different didn't matter, it wouldn't change the fact that you and Eren were done.


"Finally made a decision?"

"I'll do it." I agreed, I stood in front of him with a straight face, agreeing to something I never would have considered until yesterday.

"Eren?!" My mom was "conveniently" walking into the room as soon as I agreed, she has always been against the idea of it but I had nothing to lose at this point.

My dad, he wanted me to take over after him and I always refused. I was never interested in being in charge of it all, I was strictly the one taking care of the people he needed to be killed, anything else was all him.

"You can start training tonight. I'll send you the address later today." He pats me on the shoulder and walked past me back down the hall, heading toward the front door and I could feel my mother staring at me from behind.

Agreeing to take after him, meant I was agreeing more to than just being more involved in the business. It meant that's all I'd be doing, he was going to train me the same way he used to when I was younger. I was essentially putting a much bigger target on my back by agreeing.

I didn't need to turn around to know what her face looked like, I'd blatantly agreed to do the one thing she's been trying to keep me away from.


Instead of giving yourself an even bigger headache, you decided you'd just get rid of everything in your house that wasn't necessary to keep once you got a date that you'd be leaving.

You had a couple of boxes in the basement so you grabbed those and brought them into the living room, you packed up the things that were fragile and you definitely wanted to keep from the kitchen, packing up all your appliances and you left the boxes behind your couch after you finished to eventually move onto the living room things you wanted to keep.

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