Chapter 78

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"Hey Joe, you called and it sounded urgent. What can I help you with?" He sat me down at a booth and he sat in front of me, sighing which told me something really did happen.

"One of us went missing. I didn't want to have to drag you into this like this, but I fear you are quite possibly the only one that can find him." I nodded and grabbed his hands, looking into his eyes.

"Give me anything and everything you need for me to succeed." He nodded and headed to the counter of the bar where he handed me a file and I flipped through it, seeing that he was somewhere in Ohio. I looked up at Joe and his face was full of hope for me. I nodded and began to walk out when he called to me and I looked back at him.

"Thank you Maria." I smiled and nodded, leaving and began back to the club where I was stopped by Abe who honked at me. I looked at him as if he were an idiot and jumped in, looking at him again as he was laughing.

"That was not funny, you know I hate loud noises," I said and he put his hand on my shoulder, still laughing.

"I'm sorry, I had to."

"No you didn't," I said, mocking his tone. He laughed even more and I crossed my arms and pulled out the file.

"If you knew what was happening right now you probably wouldn't want to mess around," I said and he tried to peek at the file but I turned it away, cuddling up in the seat as I read more and more.

"Don't be like that, I am sorry. What is going on?"

"We are going to Ohio," I said and he looked at me and back to the road, super confused.

"What the Hell is in Ohio?"

"A missing friend of Joe's," I said and he looked at me again and turned a corner, heading for the airport.

"Who is this mystery man?"

"His name is... William Tate," I said and Abe's neck whipped to me and he pulled over the car, taking the file where he looked through it.

"Oh my God. I am coming with you," he said and we sped to the airport where we headed to Ohio. When we arrived I looked at Abe and he looked at me where he took my hand and we walked down the streets.

"I know a good hotel, just down here." We entered the building and he got us settled down in our room.

"Let's take a look at the file," he said and took it out of my bag and I read it over his shoulder as he wrote down the address of the missing mans' last whereabouts. He got up and I went to follow him out of the room but he looked back at me and sighed.

"I think it might be best if you stay here."

"Because, the wife knows about immortals and you have come up a few times in discussions. I would feel better if you stayed, please." I sighed and nodded, feeling angry so I headed to the hotel room phone and called Methos, feeling bored of waiting for Abe.


"Methos, it's Maria."

"Hey. I heard you have gone on an adventure to Ohio to save poor William." I laughed and laid on the bed, feeling happier already.

"Yes, I have. The things I do for Joe, man, I fly halfway across the country to find a missing person. Then again, Joe is like a second Father to me."

"What have you got?"

"Well... nothing yet. We just got here and Abe has already taken control of everything. He won't even let me go to the wife to help her feel better. He fears that because I am immortal that I will mess it up or something along those lines."

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