Chapter 39

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"Maria," I heard from behind me and I turned around to see Helene. I smiled and hugged her, Duncan coming up to us and he handed me a glass of wine. I smiled and drank it, holding Helen's hand.

"I tried to come as fast as I could, but Paris traffic is horrible," I said and she laughed a little and I hugged her.

"I heard what happened and I came to say I am so sorry and to give my best regards." I looked out the window and saw the mystery man, and looked back at her and smiled.

"I thank you for that. You barely even knew him."

"I know you, though. I came here to see if there was anything I could do to help." She smiled and hugged me again and I looked at Duncan. He knew nothing about my mystery man.

"Thank you so much for coming you two," she said and I handed her a necklace and she stared at it with bright eyes.

"It is beautiful, Maria... please don't tell me it cost you a fortune." I laughed and shook my head.

"No, only 2,000. Don't worry about price, everything it fine." She shook her head with a smile and I walked with her to the couch where I sat down.

"Tell me, how is life besides this, I mean." She smiled and I smiled, grabbing her hands.

"It was alright, I am getting married... don't tell anyone just yet, it is supposed to stay a secret." I laughed and hugged her, feeling this was just a repeat of Tessa and I got scared.

"To who?" I asked and she shushed me and I laughed again.

"It's a surprise." I nodded and hugged her one last time before looking down at my watch and I looked back outside to see the man was still there, pointing at his wrist and I sighed.

"I have to go... I am so sorry once again." She stood up and I followed suit, hugging her and I headed outside where I saw a different man duck into an alley. I looked at my mystery man and the alley and he nodded. I went in and looked up to see Nicholas Ward. I just stared at him in a panic and I stepped closer and he just stared at me.

"Nicki... it has been a while... What are you doing in the alleys, you scared the Hell out of me." He laughed and I smiled and hugged him, still not clear of his intentions. 

"I was just coming by to see Helene, we are good friends," he said and I smiled and looked around for the mystery man but her was gone. He was trying to warn me about Nicholas. I looked back at him and he was staring at me with confusion.

"What is the matter, Maria, are you scared of me?"

"NO, of course not, I thought I heard something, sorry. Alleys scare me." He smiled and put his hand on my back and we walked down to this tunnel system where we stood in front.

"It is nice to see you again, Nicholas, I had always wondered what had happened to you."

"I changed, Maria, for the better." I smiled and felt Duncan and he looked at me and I looked at him.

"You still hate each other?" he questioned and I nodded, standing closer to him. I wanted his head, mostly because I loved him once.

"Yeah... he still hates me for loving you," I said and he looked at me and I watched as he began to walk away. Duncan came up to me and grabbed my arm and looked me up and down and I chuckled and shook my head.

"I am fine," I said and he nodded, following Nicholas down the tunnel system. I suddenly felt as if there was someone else there and looked around and began to follow Duncan. I ran up to him and we both looked to our right, getting frightened by Joe, so Duncan accidently punched him. I gasped and squatted down, helping him up.

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