Chapter 56

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"Hello, Maria," I heard from behind me and I turned around to see David Keogh an old immortal friend. I laughed a little and walked up to him, hugging him. I just looked him up and down and he hugged me again, being surprised to see me.

"It is good to see you again, David. What has life been doing to you? God, it has been forever." I laughed and he laughed, holding up his left hand, which made me see the ring on his finger. I almost screamed and hugged him again. He smiled once I let him go and he let me look at it, seeing the intricate details on it.

"I am getting married," he said and I smiled, so happy for him. He finally knew what it was like to be happy and get married, something I had yet to do. Marriage was not in my history books and probably never will be.

"Congratulations. With who if you don't mind me asking." He laughed and sat down next to me, still so happy.

"Her name is Jill Pelentay... She is so great. I have to ask you something though, will you be the best lady? I have already asked Duncan to be the best man and he said yes."

"Shouldn't Jill pick who the best lady is?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Nah, she said I should pick, she isn't close with many people and I think she would like you." I smiled and agreed to be the best lady, knowing this was my first wedding. He hugged me again and looked at the watch on his wrist.

"I am sorry, I have to go, but I will call you soon." I nodded and felt so happy for the man, he had so much trouble with females.

1963: "If anyone knows about females it is me," Fitz said and I laughed, shaking my head. He nodded and I shook my head again.

"Listen, if you want to be with a woman, tell her," I said and Fitz shook his head and butted between me and David.

"No, you have to make them love you," he said and I laughed and so did David. I grabbed David's hand and pointed at a pretty lady.

"She will be perfect," he said and walked over to her and began to talk to her.

"This is like parents teaching their kids how to ask a girl out," Fitz said and I looked at him and we both began to laugh. I grabbed Fitz's arm and we walked away, leaving them two to mingle. I walked with him over the bridge and we sat there on the edge, waiting for David to fail, knowing he would.

"When is this boy going to understand that he isn't a ladies' man," Fitz said and I looked at him and scooched closer to him, putting my head on his shoulder.

"Well, you are the best so I would hope you know that answer." He put his hand on my shoulder and we just stared at the water as it rippled.

"Have you thought of marriage, little sister, because I would deny it of course and-" I laughed and looked up at him and he looked down at me and we both just smiled at each other. There was no sexual connection between me and Fitz, we were mere brother and sisters and we were both completely fine with that aspect.

"MARIA!" David screamed and I turned around and saw him holding the girl's hand. I looked at Fitz and he was so confused and he looked back at me, which made me want to laugh really badly.

"We are going to go back to my place," he said and she smiled at me, waving. I nodded and Fitz looked at me this time and I snickered at him.

"I guess you need to take that crown and-"

"No, this crown of females is mine," he said and I laughed, walking with him to a pub where we ordered a few drinks.

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