Chapter 23

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I woke up from a bad dream and Richie burst in and ran over to me.

"WHAT, what is wrong, are you okay?" I began to breathe normally again and took deep breaths in and out and Richie ran his hand up and down my back as he sat down next to me.

"Bad dream, sorry, Richie." I sighed and almost fell into him. He held me there and I felt Duncan and another immortal. I got up and walked out as Duncan walked in without knocking and following him was Fitzcairn. I laughed and ran up to him, hugging him.

"Hi, Maria, nice place you got here." He hugged me back and Richie came out of the bedroom and went to the kitchen for some food, not realizing that people were here.

"You seem distressed," Duncan said and walked closer to me. I shrugged my shoulders and Richie came from the kitchen and looked at us.

"Hey, Mac." Duncan smiled and Richie came over.

"Is this the lover?" Fitz asked and I slapped his shoulder.

"No," I said and Fitz laughed a little bit. I hugged him and sighed, happy to see his face again.

"How about a walk?' Fitz asked and I grabbed his arm and we began to walk down the street where we stopped on a bridge. I looked out down to the water and he pretended to throw me in. I looked back at him and he looked around as if not guilty. I laughed and he slipped a ring on my finger.

"A beautiful and expensive ring for a beautiful and expensive lady." I laughed and looked at it. It was pure ruby and it was beautiful.

"You know, we could have been a great-"

"NO, we couldn't have. You were too kind for me Fitz. I got you into danger more than once and that was enough." He laughed and lit his pipe.

1850: I was walking through the crowds of people at a dance. I hated dances but I was waiting for a man, and it was all worth it. I felt Duncan and another immortal. I poked my head up and turned around to see Duncan and another man. I smiled and walked up to him, kissing him on the cheek.

"Who is your friend, Duncan?"

"Hugh Fitzcairn at your service, my lady." He bowed and took my hand, kissing it. I laughed a little bit and Duncan looked at him as if he was an idiot.

"Duncan doesn't have friends, so it is nice to meet one here and there." He shook his head and walked off. I looked at Fitz and took his arm when he offered it.

"I have heard a lot about you, Ms. Enache. You are a very important lady." I giggled and he handed me a drink, taking one for himself too. We clinked our glasses and smiled as we chugged the drink.

"What are you doing in Paris, if I might ask?" He questioned and we walked over to Duncan, sitting down next to him. I sighed and put my hand out.

"I like to watch the mortals love and cherish one another as they dance or even just walk- look at each other- it isn't something you see with another immortal. We all kind of loathe each other. That is why There Can Be Only One."

"I don't loathe you, Maria, you are too beautiful to loathe," Fitz said and I laughed, making Duncan more angry. I handed Duncan a drink and he took it reluctantly, chugging it down.

"I want to dance with you," Fitz said and put down the second drink he got. I smiled and he took my hand. I smiled more and we walked to the middle of the ballroom and we danced. I was surprised to see that one of Duncan's friends could dance and especially this one. The dance ended and people cheered, but we were still invisible. There were hundreds of people there and I stared at Fitz and he stared at me.

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