Chapter 30

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I felt the presence of Amanda and my mood immediately went from happy to pissed. I looked at the door and she was standing there, waiting for me to say something to her, but I had no want to even look at her. I sighed and slammed my cup on the bar, spilling wine everywhere. She sighed too and walked over to me, sitting right next to me.

"You are lucky this place is filled to the brim with people or I would pick a fight," I said and went to walk away when she grabbed my hand and turned me to face her again.

"I just want to be friends, Maria. Can you not trust me?" I laughed and she pulled her head to the side as if annoyed.

"The last times you have said that to me, you have stolen from me, tried to kill me, or gotten me in trouble with the law. You are not a friend, Amanda, you are a pest who can't do anything herself."

"Listen, I already told you that I am sorry and that I would change."

"Have you?"

"Not yet, but I swear I am working on it. You can't just stop doing things easily, there is a process to it and that process takes a long time."

"I stopped after a couple of days... it has taken you almost 1,000 years to stop. When will you learn that you can manipulate Richie and maybe Duncan, not me." I 

"Yeah, I highly doubt that. You probably stole something and are now on the run. What do you really want, Amanda?" She looked at her hands and that is truly when I knew she was lying.

"I need somewhere to hide."

"No, get the Hell out. You don't deserve anything from me. Do you remember when you took me to meet Rebecca and you stole that necklace from me and left. Yeah, that was really damn important to me and now I haven't had it handed back to me. If you return it to me, then I might reconsider... but don't you DARE think that I will let you stay here until I get it back and... that other bracelet that you stole from me along with the necklace." I turned back around and she left the bar, stomping away. I went to the bedroom where I sat there and thought of my sister again.

1621: "Maria, I saw this necklace and thought of you," Shana said and handed me a beautiful necklace. She took it again and put it on my neck where I looked at it through the pond reflection. I smiled and hugged her, feeling happy.

"Shana... have you ever thought about the man Mother was with?" She shook her head and pulled me in closer.

"You can't tell Father, he will have her killed." I nodded and we went on as if nothing had just occurred.

"Shana... I need you to tell me something. Am I truly your sister?" She looked at me as if I were crazy and laughed.

"Why would you ask such a question, Maria? Of course you are. I remember your birth." I nodded, still unsure, so I pressed harder.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I was 10 and I got to be the proud big sister and Ingrim got to be the protector of me and you." I laughed but still didn't like the answer. I sighed and she put her hand on my shoulder.

"You could always ask Father and Mother." I nodded and that is exactly what I did, Shana following me to the castle where the guards nodded and bowed.

"Father, I need to-"

"Not right now, Maria, I am quite busy. Guards, can you-"

"Am I truly your daughter?" I asked and everyone stood there stunned and quiet. He looked at my Mother and I knew then that I wasn't. I felt a tear go down my face and my Mother ran over and put her hands on my cheeks.

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