Chapter 15

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I was walking down the street when I felt an immortal, one that I didn't like very much. I already caught my eye on him as we both stared at each other. Shivers immediately went down my back and I watched as Kuyler shot a man and ran. I ran after him as people began to scream and call the police. He ducked into an alley and I stood there and looked back to see that the people were out of my field of view. I shivered and went into the alley with my sword at the ready. I walked around looking for him when I heard him jump down behind me. I put my sword to his neck and he put a gun to my stomach and I began to shake as he put his hand on my cheek. I backed up and tripped over something, falling to the ground. He stared at me and didn't run immediately. I got up and he did a flip, knocking my sword out of my hand. He put the gun to my head and stared at me, getting really close to my face. I closed my eyes and he moved the hair out of my face.

"I'm sorry, Maria, I don't mean to scare you," he said and pulled the trigger. A message popped out and he put it in my hand and I still didn't open my eyes. He was dressed as a mime, which he knew I hated. You could hear the sirens finally and he got closer so I tried to breathe in but it was hard. He was the craziest immortal I had ever dealt with and I hated every time I saw him.

"You really don't like me do you?" I shook my head and a tear streamed down my face. I finally opened my eyes since he wouldn't leave and he stared at me, but the look wasn't of anger... it was of lust. I pushed him back and he sighed, throwing me my sword. He just stood there with... something in his face... maybe sadness. I sighed finally and he looked back and the sirens were coming closer to us, meaning someone must have seen us run this way. I looked up at him and he looked down at me, thinking the same thing as me. He reached out his hand and I just stared at it. He sighed and looked back, realizing I had no time left, so I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up, running away. I ran after him, but he was gone almost as fast as I saw him. I began to shake again and I thought back.

1830: "Maria, there is a robbery in progress down the street," my friend said as she burst into the room. I looked at her and got out of my chair to see a mime. I felt the presence and he looked up at me. I jumped down and ran after him and we stopped at the edge of the street where there was a dead end. I felt the gun hit my head and I woke up in an abandoned factory.

"Wakey wakey," he said and handed me a cup of water. I slapped it out of his hand and pulled out my sword. He backed up and pulled out his sword. I put my hand to my head and he stared down at me as I looked at my head, seeing he made me bleed.

"Who are you?" I asked and he smiled and bowed.

"Kuyler, at your service. you must be the beautiful Maria Enache that I have been dying to meet." I sighed and put my head against the wall as the pain began to go away.

"Did you do anything to me when I was out?" I asked and looked at my dress to see if there was a tear. He kneeled down and had a genuine look of confusion on his face.

"What do you mean?" I shook my head, knowing he didn't and I felt the pain in my head disappear. I sighed and got up and began to get very dizzy.

"I hate you," I said and slapped him. He looked at me and put his hand to his face. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, I was utterly terrified of this man.

"There can be only one," I said and he nodded and we began to fight. He was much worse than I was, you could tell, he did more tricks than he did fighting. He did flips and tricks and I eventually got bored and put my sword to the side. He walked over and put the blade to my neck. I knocked him to the ground and sat on top of him as I grabbed his sword and put it to his own neck. He laughed a little bit and I felt something poke my neck. I grabbed it and looked back to see a man.

Can There Be Only One?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें