Chapter 70

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I went to the downstairs bathroom that I didn't use very much when I came to a wall that looked different from the others. I called for Remus and Elena and they came up and looked at the wall, Elena running her hand over it, noticing it too.

"I never noticed that until today, Maria. What is down there?" she asked and I looked at her, completely confused myself.

"I don't know, I don't even remember there being a door here," I said and I looked around for something to break the wall down with, but couldn't find anything. I went to Methos's room and burst the door open to find him working. He looked up at me and I was out of breath from running around.

"What, what's the matter?"

"Do you have something to break down the wall with?" I asked and he looked at me with confusion. He got off of his bed and followed me to the wall where we all just stared at it, our curiosity getting the best of us. I tapped on it and listened to it, knowing it was hollow. I punched it but realized right after that it wasn't a good idea as I clenched my fist and Methos laughed at me. I squatted down and looked at it, noticing it as it bruised and I looked back up at the wall, wondering what to do.

"Okay, scratch that, that was not a good idea," I said and Methos laughed again, so I got up and began to kick it, but the wall was not breaking down like I wanted it to. I began to think and remembered the ax that was in the tool shed outside next to Zeus's home. I ran out and down there, grabbing it and running back. Everyone got freaked out and Methos grabbed the ax from me.

"This isn't The Shining," Remus said and I looked at him and then at Methos who pushed me and the other two out of the way. He sent the ax right through and it flew right through the wall, breaking. I laughed and fell to the ground as Methos looked at the ax handle.

"Well, that didn't work," he said and he went out to the shed. I looked through the hole and saw only black and Elena pushed me back and looked through.

"That is a whole lot of black," she said and Remus pushed her out of the way and looked inside as Methos came back with something sharp. He began to cut at the stone edges, pulling the stones apart. He broke the wall down eventually and I looked up at him and smiled as I pulled out a lighter, going into the dark room. I walked slowly as I bent down and put the lighter to the floor, noticing there were stairs. I paused and ran back out, realizing I took the lighter with me and grabbed two flashlights, taking them and handing them to Remus and Elena, knowing damn well Methos was going to stay with me. I slowly walked down the steps and we entered the room where I saw torches on the walls, lighting them as I walked by them. I looked back at Methos and he was just staring at something else, so I looked to see he was staring at a sarcophagus. I walked up to him and grabbed his arm with both of my hands as we both just stared at it, scared to see what was in it. I sighed, which came out shaky and looked at Methos again.

"What if there is a dead body in there," Elena said, almost ready to throw up and I looked at her with the death stare.

"That isn't helping," I said and she threw up her hands and went back to looking around. I slowly walked over to it and took off my shirt, knowing it was cold down there and wiped off the sarcophagus, looking at the fine art on it. I looked back at Methos and he walked over, helping me open it. I sighed with relief when there wasn't anyone in it, but when I lowered the lighter in there, there was dried blood everywhere. Remus raced up to us and held up a book which said death records on it, which scared the Hell out of me. I looked around the place again and saw another door. I looked at Methos and he looked down at me with the same look I had on.

"Your Father was into some weird stuff, Maria." I tried not to laugh and I think he saw that and tried not to laugh himself. I opened the book and read through the names, realizing that there was more than just 1 page... there were 20 pages, all with 20 names on them. I handed it to Methos and pointed out the last name on the page and he looked at me.

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