Chapter 17

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"I need to go somewhere" I said and Richie looked up at me as I began to put on my coat. He looked at Tessa and she nodded, which made me smile. Richie walked up to me and I could tell he was curious.

"Where are you going?" Tessa asked and I sighed and looked around the barge, looking back at her.

"I honestly wish that it was for business, but I just need to get away. Everything here is causing me trouble and I have never truly like Paris." She smiled and hugged me, watching as I left the barge, of course I tripped on the bottom part.

"Every damn time," I said and Richie laughed at me from the outside. I looked back at him and shook my head, getting in the car, going to the church first. The wind began to pick up and it was getting colder and I hated the cold with a burning passion. I opened the doors and Gavin and Darius looked at me and they both smiled. Gavin walked up to me and kissed me on the forehead, so I hugged him and Darius walked over and sat me down.

"I am going to Germany," I said and they both looked at each other weirdly and then back at me. I shrugged my shoulders and blew out some air.

"I need a break, I think. I won't be gone long if you would like to just stay here. I... need some room to breathe from immortals." Gavin nodded and hugged me. Darius kissed me on the forehead and the phone in the other room went off. Gavin and Darius looked at each other and I smiled.

"We need to get that, I hope Germany turns out to be great, Maria." Darius said and waved goodbye. I exited the church and went back into the car where the heat was on full blast, sighing with relief. I began on my way, completely bored since there was no Richie to talk to. I heard the phone ring after a while and I grabbed my phone, answering it once I realized it was Duncan.

"What's up Duncan?"

"Where are you, are you okay?" I began to laugh and he sighed.

"Yeah, I'm just heading to Germany, that's all."

"Maria, what are you planning?" He asked and you could hear Tessa there next to him. I laughed a little bit and he groaned.

"I... I just need a break from the immortals and I need a prettier view then Paris, I am already getting sick of it. I can come back if you need anything."

"No, don't. I just wish you would have told me before." I sighed.

"I'm sorry, Duncan, I will make sure I do next time. Bye Duncan and tell Tessa I will bring her back a souvenir." He laughed a little and he hung up. I looked around at the view and realized that it was going to be a long ride. I drove for hours, even making wrong turns and began to get tired when I finally got to my destination. Berlin, a very beautiful place that I had not been to in hundreds of years. I walked into the Hotel I booked a room in to see a grumpy old lady in her mid fifties, knowing she was not going to be happy with me.

"Hello, I have a room booked here under the name of Enache." She groaned and began to get angry.

"No English," she said with a thick German accent. I leaned on the desk, feeling something was really off all of a sudden.

"Ich habe ein Zimmer unter dem Namen Enache gebucht," The woman looked at me with shock and I smiled, knowing that I was a complete pest. She looked me up and down and I smiled, knowing she just hated working there. She handed me the key and I waved and went up the stairs. I entered the room and closed the door behind me, locking it. I sighed and jumped on the bed, feeling clamed completely. I gasped and went to the window, seeing the most beautiful view. I watched the people walk on the streets and the trees sway as the wind hit them. 

I went down the stairs and I waved at the woman who rolled her eyes. I ran out to the street and everyone else was so nice when I went past them. I went to the nearest restaurant and began to speak with a regular, who reminded me of a woman I had met 200 years ago at a bar. I was having a nice time until I realized that a man was staring at me, a man that looked to be in his thirties. I sighed and tried to ignore him, not mentioning it to anyone and the man began to come over, which was scaring the Hell out of me.

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