Chapter 71

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We had followed the tracks for hours, but everyone seemed to not want to give up on me, so I felt lucky to have them. We followed Mattre to a small hut on the outskirts of Transylvania where he had stopped for some reason. I got off of my horse and busted down the door to see Elena tied to a chair. I ran in and untied her, helping her out and to my horse where I turned her around and saw she was perfectly fine and I hugged her tight.

"What happened?" I asked and she began to cry, hugging me tighter.

"He was so horrible, Maria... all of the things he said he was going to do to me and you. It was awful and I will never be able to get it out of my head." I nodded and looked her in the eyes.

"Where did he go?" I asked and she sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

"I have no idea, he just tied me here and left. All he said was that he was leaving Transylvania because he got an important phone call... but Maria, I wouldn't track him down if it's unnecessary. He is too dangerous, even for me." I shook my head and jumped back on Zeus, looking down at her.

"This is war now, Elena, and he has made it worse by taking you captive. I have a feeling that you weren't the primary focus here or else he would have killed you or made it harder for me to find you. I need to find this Asshole and kill him. If you want to stop, then head back to the castle and hide in the hatch in my room until I come back, but I am going to find Mattre whether I have to do it alone or I have you guys by my side. I know you went through a catastrophic event and the things he said to you probably were horrible, so I don't expect you to go, but I need to find him." Methos hopped back on his horse and Remus looked back at him and then at me.

"Elena... I will take you back to the castle if you want," he said and hopped back on his horse. She looked up at him and nodded, hopping on his horse.

"We are divided now, remember to hide in the hatch." They nodded and Remus and Elena disappeared from sight, so I looked at Methos and he looked at me.

"Thank you, Methos." He nodded and I followed him again as we rode off and came to a stop when the tracks stopped, looking to the left to see his dead horse. I gasped and ran over to it, seeing it had been stabbed. Methos walked over and I looked up at him, still petting the horse and he sighed, looking around at the ground.

"His shoe tracks are something I can't read as well as a horse's track... he did that on purpose." I nodded and remembered back to what Connor taught me, following the tracks to a small village in Sighișoara. I looked at Methos and he looked at me, we both knew where we were and hated the thought. We trotted through, losing the tracks, but it wasn't a very big place, so we found him very quickly in a church of all places. I had Methos tie up our Horses and I went inside to see him all bloody and he was licking it off of his hands and he laughed as he did it. He slowly turned to me and pulled out a photo of Vlad Tepes and stared at it, getting blood all over it as he ran his fingers over it. Methos walked in and I just grabbed his hand and held it, scared for us both and I looked at him, showing it.

"Mattre... it is time to die," I said and he shook his head very fast, panting and laughing as he stared down at the photo and licked the blood off of it.

"Not yet, legends never die. We are on Holy ground, you can't kill me here."

"You can't stay here forever, either. You kidnapped my friend and this is war because of you, and I want your head. Get off of your ass and fight me." He looked back at me and ran at me, throwing me to the ground where he got on top of me, biting my hand. I screamed and Methos yanked him off, throwing him to the floor where I gripped my hand and looked back at Mattre before Methos grabbed my hand, looking at it.

"You are a coward and a lunatic," Methos said and grabbed me, bringing me back to my horse where I heard the backdoor open and I looked back to see Mattre running from the church. I went to run after him but Methos grabbed me and held me tight, not letting me go. I watched as he ran down the street and Methos waited for me not to feel him anymore to let me go. I looked back at him and slapped him... not knowing why, maybe just anger.

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