Chapter 68

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I woke up in my bed, remembering I had fallen asleep at the table with Methos. I looked at my watch and realized I had slept for 12 hours and I sighed, getting out of bed, going out to see Methos at the table still. He looked up at me and looked back down at the file as he kept reading from it.

"How long has it been since you slept?" I asked and he smirked, still reading.


"Okay... I'll go, but you have to promise that you will get me beer, I am starting to lose my mind without," he said and I laughed, nodding. 

"That is what we call an alcoholic," I said and he smiled, standing next to me.

"I didn't know that," he said and I slapped him on the arm as I went outside to see Elena and Remus setting up a whole fighting ring. I stared in disbelief and they looked at me and smiled, going back to work.

"Did you finally get Adam to go to sleep?" Elena asked and I nodded, confused.

"Good, he would not go to sleep until you woke up," Remus said and I felt kind of bad. I looked around the yard and back at them and they acted as if this were normal.

"What are you guys doing?"

"We are setting up a course for you, it was kind of Adam's idea." I chuckled, so confused by Methos at that point. I nodded and called for Zeus, hopping up, which alerted Elena and Remus and they handed me my sword and I looked down at them.

"You better not mess with Adam when I am gone," I said and they both chuckled.

"Why would we, he is very sweet and he is obviously falling for you, Maria." I laughed again and shook my head, knowing there was no way someone like Methos could fall for someone like me. She nodded and I shook my head again, and it was almost like a battle.

"Where are you going?" Remus asked and I looked back at him, petting Zeus's neck.

"I have a special request for beer," I said and they went back to what they were doing, laughing a little bit. I rode to the nearest store where I bought beer and used this time to call Duncan and Anne.

"Maria?" Duncan asked and I laughed a little bit.

"How did you know?"

"I recognized the Romania phone number... what is going on?"

"Oh... not much except for the fact that there are seven immortals running around, killing people and I am still sad that Richie and I are over."

"Listen, Maria. I am sorry about everything and I know how hard it is, trust me." I sighed, looked around, completely paranoid.

"Yeah, I know, you warned me and I didn't listen -well- actually I did, I just didn't care... Now I hope I didn't ruin anything completely. What is going on in the world of Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod?"

"Well, let's see here. Do you remember Brenard?"

"Father Brenard, the one from the Resistance? Yeah, why?"

"Well, some things and people are popping up from the past and I have to deal with that, so it isn't turning out to be the best day. Anne says hi, she is just a bit busy right now."

"Well, sounds like we are floating in the same boat, or more like riding the same horse. Listen, you know Remus and Elena and they get pretty fussy if I am gone too long and I got a beer order to attend to, but I just wanted to check in to see if everything was going okay."

"It is going better now that you aren't here... nah, I'm just playing. Hope everything goes better down there. Save the world, Maria Enache." I laughed and he hung up and I sighed, leaving with the beer, heading back to the castle when I felt an immortal. I turned around and saw Mattre and he smiled, taking my hand and kissing it.

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