Chapter 62

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"Can I come with you?" I asked as Duncan began to leave. He looked at Anne and Anne smiled and walked up to me.

"I'm sorry, I usually wouldn't ask for this, but Paul was a really good friend of someone I cared about a lot and died, and... and I want to-" Anne hugged me and looked back at Duncan who nodded and smiled. I grabbed my coat and we headed to the musical performance, which I had listened to almost everyday when I stayed with Father Paul and Kalas. I listened to the music sung by the Monks and I felt a single tear go down my cheek. Paul was a friend of Darius who used to come around every so often and was the one who told Darius of me. I saw him step out as the show was over and the other Monks disappeared behind the stage. He took one good look at me and I ran up to him and hugged him, to which he hugged me back.

"How is Darius?" he asked and I sighed and he nodded.

"I am sorry, he was a really great man and he will live on in our hearts forever," he said and I nodded, hugging him again. Duncan walked up and Paul smiled, grabbing his hand.

"How are you, Duncan?" he asked and Duncan smiled.

"I am great, this is Anne," he said and I looked around the building and realized it wasn't holy ground, where Paul usually spent most of his time.

"It is always a pleasure to meet the woman of Duncan's dreams," they both laughed a little and began to walk together. Anne and I stayed there and began to talk with one another, staring at the men as they walked off.

"Listen, I told Duncan I wouldn't push anymore, but why doesn't he have medical records?" I just stared at her and she stared at me.

"Yeah, maybe he was right, I don't want to explain that to you. Duncan will when he is ready, and he will be ready soon, maybe just not anytime soon. You have a long life to live, Anne and I would hate for you to spend it searching for something that means nothing." I smiled and walked after Paul and Duncan, knowing I only increased her interest in the matter.

1701: I began to fight the war, but there were too many people and so little on our side that I grabbed my friend, Matthew, and ran with him. He grabbed my arm and turned me to look at him.

"There is no way we can win, Matthew, and I tried to warn them, but they are idiots and won't listen to me any longer. We must go and-" I felt an immortal and looked in the trees to see a Monk. He waved me over and I pulled out my sword.

"Please, you don't need that," he said and waved me over again. I looked at his robe and knew I could trust him. I put the sword away and we ran over to him, where he took us into a church. I looked around and saw another Mok, who was also an immortal. I sighed and crossed my arms.

"What is it that you want?" I asked and the Monk that helped us pulled the other one aside and they began to talk in secret. I heard swords clatter outside and looked at Matthew and he looked at me. I ran to the door but he grabbed me and I turned back to him.

"Maria, you said it yourself. There is no way we can defeat that army, you can't go-" I kissed him to get him to shut up and ran outside, drawing the 7 men that were fighting away from the church. I slaughtered them 1 by 1 and I felt an immortal again. I looked up to see the other one and I put my sword to his neck. He looked at me with such disappointment and grabbed my hand.

"I am Maria Enache, and I-"

"I am Darius... you can put that thing away. Me and brother Paul are here to help, now would you be so kind as to put down your sword." I sighed and put it away, knowing that men could come from anywhere. I looked around and looked back at Darius.

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