Chapter 6

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I was walking down the street when Tessa came out of the shop and began to walk down the street. I ran up to her and she smiled.

"What are you up to?" I asked and she sighed and I could tell something was wrong so I grabbed her hand and held it with both of mine.

"There is an immortal in the shop, she is young but I just don't trust her... Duncan and Richie seem to, but maybe I am just jealous of her and Duncan. She is super secretive and I hate it." I nodded and looked to see the woman Tessa was talking about. I looked at Tessa and went over to greet her.

"Hello, you must me the one Tessa-"

"Stay out of my way," she said and pushed past me. I watched her walk down the street. Richie came out of the shop and I hugged him, still looking at the woman.

"Her name is Felicia, she came in here a couple of hours ago... she is really..."

"Rude," I said and looked at him. He looked at me with a confused look and laughed a little, thinking I was joking so he brought me to Duncan.

"Hey, you meet the-"

"Bitch yet, yeah, I have. Duncan, how old do you think she is?" He put down a towel and began to think.

"She was just turned into an Immortal today, why?" I began to laugh, thinking he was joking but they both stared at me with a serious look on their faces. I stopped and Duncan got closer.

"There is no way she was just turned into an immortal today."


"Because the feeling she gave off when I met her was strong, she is just trying to manipulate you, Duncan and is DEFINITELY going to manipulate you, Richie, no offence I would tell her to leave and I wouldn't trust her just yet."

"Can't you be wrong- you have to be wrong." I sighed and put my hand on Richie's shoulder.

"I know a thing or two about manipulation, Richie, and I know a thing or 2 about the presence an immortal gives off thanks to Darius, and that is not a young one -no way- it feels bad, very bad, Duncan." He stared at me and I sighed and threw my hands up and turned around to go when I stopped in the doorway.

"I could always be wrong, but when have I ever been wrong, Duncan?" I left him there to ponder that thought and found Tessa and walked with her again.

"I warned them."

"How do you know that I am not just being paranoid?" I sighed and we sat at a table outside of a restaurant. She stared at me, waiting for an answer.

"When I was with Darius -he is an immortal monk- he taught me a lot about immortals, things Connor couldn't even teach me. He taught me how to remember an immortal's presence after meeting them more than once and he taught me how to register if they are evil or good -old or young- and she is no Angel. They said she was turned today, but what I felt there was no possible way she was young or good... I hope they heed my warning. I don't want to scare you, Tessa, I hope I'm not." She laughed a little and sipped on the water that the server brought out for us.

"No, I have seen a lot living with Duncan. I find that very cool, actually." I smiled and sipped on my water.

"Richie is young, watch over him, Tessa, when I am not there. She will be able to manipulate him better than Duncan and she will do whatever she can to do so. She wants Duncan, for some reason. Maybe because he is older and can train her, or she just wants his head. Be careful and stay away from her until I figure out what to do." She nodded and I brought her back to the store where Felicia had returned.

"I am going to go get in the shower," Tessa said, walking off. I nodded and sat next to Felicia and Richie, smiling.

"This is Felicia," Richie said and I took her hand and kissed it, as usual.

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