Chapter 52

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"What's up friends and family, what is going on?" I looked at everyone, including Amanda, who I didn't know was in town.

"Meeting new friends, apparently," Amanda said and I went up to Joe and hugged him, sitting down at the bar.

"He is one of the best," I said and Joe chuckled, going behind the bar where he got me a glass of wine.

"I try," he said and I smiled and chugged the glass.

"Do you have to chug it every time?" Duncan asked and I nodded and laughed.

"What is going on in your lives, anything interesting?" Duncan and Amanda looked at each other and I looked at them, expecting them to say something.

"You guys are always so boring, Joe, what about you?" He smiled and I knew something was going on.

"I knew, it, spill it, sir," I said and Joe laughed, looking at me.

"I have a date," he said and I gasped, almost screaming and I leaned over the bar to get closer and he just shook his head.

"You are a freak. She is working down at the art museum and I am going to her house after my shift." I smiled and he smiled at me, grabbing his hands I laughed.

"I knew you would find someone, I told you so." He smiled and he headed to the back, which made me look at Duncan and Amanda.

"I am happy for Joe. He has a bar, he has a new girlfriend and... that is all he has ever asked for." Duncan smiled and kissed me on the forehead, which made me smile.

"Amanda... would you like to walk with me home?" She smiled and shook her head.

"No, I am heading back to the dojo with MacLeod." I stared at her and she stared at me and we both burst into laughter.

"I forgot I have a Richie Ryan at the club who is persistent in messing with things. I will be back in like... some amount of hours." Duncan and Amanda laughed as I walked out and I began to walk home when I looked to my right and saw the mystery man. I smiled and just stood there, watching him as he dropped another file. I watched as he left the premises and I walked over, picking it up to see the picture of a museum on the front. I looked back at Joe's and back at the file, sitting on the bench where I flipped through it, seeing a cross. I stared at it, completely flabbergasted at the piece and I shook my head, not understanding.- I closed it again, wondering how this was going to help today, not thinking it would, but remembering it always did. I headed home and put the file on my table, Richie flipping through it.

"What is going on, what is this?"

"Same old same old, mystery man. I think it may have something to do with Joe's girlfriend," I said and Richie looked at me and smirked.

"Joe has a girlfriend?" I laughed a little and threw my hands up.

"What is wrong with Joe?"

"Nothing, it just... I just was not expecting that."

"You also weren't expecting to be my boyfriend," I said and kissed him and he smiled.

"No, I guess not." I smiled and hugged him, looking at the time. 

"We should probably head to bed, I am tired out of my mind." Richie kissed me one more time and I headed upstairs where I went to sleep, but had the worst nightmare I had in a long time. It was of this immortal -Durgan- and he killed someone for that damn cross. That is why he gave me the file. I got up and went into Richie's room where I saw he was asleep and I didn't want to wake him, so I just left. I headed to the bar where I looked at everyone and they all looked as if they had depression. I stopped in my tracks and Amanda looked up at me with this sad expression and I knew something was wrong. I looked at Joe and saw that he too was sad, so I sat down in front of him and he looked up at me and I grabbed his hands.

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