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Rain POV

"Hey Marq." I stepped into the house.

"Wussup? My bad I was just coming to see, if my birth certificate was here. I would've call my mom but then I would've had to tell her what happened and shit. I just don't need the I told you so and shit." He followed me in.

"We'll all the rest of your stuff I moved to the office." I took the office key of my keychain and gave it to him."

"Thank you." We went out separate ways.

It felt so good to smell him again... to hear his voice.


"Yes?" He yelled.

"Can you come here for a second." I could hear his foot steps. "I know this may be strange but can I get a hug?"

"A hug?"

"Yes please." I felt myself starting to cry. He frowned up his eyebrows.

"Did you have a bad day?" He slowly walked over to me and hugged me.

"Yes." I sighed and he rubbed my back softly. "I miss you so much."

He stayed silent.

"I am so sorry I did this to you. You didn't deserve it. If I could take it back I would. I was just so bored and I felt alone. I was selfish, I think about you everyday and I wish I was wrapped in your arms as I slept. I am so sorry. I really wish I could take it back. It is all my fault and I am so sorry." I cried and he just continued to rub my back. "Please say something."

"I have to go." He sighed and he let me go.

"Marq I am so sorry." I followed him to the living room.

" our problems are bigger than just a sorry. You are pregnant Rain, you continue to do it after you got caught. Unapologetically at that. The same day we got home after the day me catching you, that nigga was in this house. Y'all was playing husband and wife. I wanted to be that for you, I had to come in this house and hear you fucking that nigga, it was only two days." I cried.

I did a bunch of bullshit.

"I am so sorry! I am so so sorry. I love you so much."

Marq POV

I sighed watching her cry.

I already cry enough for the both of us.

I don't understand what she wants from me.

"Listen to me." I grabbed her face and she looked at me. "I love you so much, I really do. I love myself more though. I can't disrespect or disappoint myself ever again for you. Rain the things you did to me I can't fathom doing to you. You folded in temptation. I would never, I was pre pro... I was in my prime and I gave that up to build a life with you. I gave my life up for you, I am broke Rain. I am a grown man. I am living off another man. I can't believe... I am at the bottom right now, I sacrificed so much for you. You couldn't turn down one nigga for me. It's like you were waiting for a chance to cheat."

"No, that is not true."

"It took nothing to make you give up the pussy, no disrespect. How many time did y'all hang out before you fucked him?"

"We didn't hang out." I looked at her.

"So how did y'all meet. Matter fact, I feel like we should just have a complete discussion about this right now. Since we are talking like adults, I feel like this conversation should be had." I sat down on the chair.

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