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Rain POV

I sighed getting up to do the same shit I do everyday.

I checked my phone, Jai really hasn't talk to me in a whole two weeks. I don't know why that bothers me as much as it is. I feel shitty for even starting at friendship. He added the assignment to my life that I craved, and in a way, I feel kind of attached to him.

"Good morning. Baby." He walked out the bathroom and I hopped up to help him with the tie.

"Good morning." I fix his tie and he kissed me.

"I love you so much baby." I looked at him.

"I love you too. You want breakfast?" He shook his head.

" Mr. Bradley called me in early today, you know I got invited on the business shirt, so I guess we have to talk about that today before work." I signed. " what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I suit him a smile.

" listen baby I wanna tell you that I really appreciate how your handling everything. How you support me. Once I get everything aligned and my spot is permanent and guaranteed everything is going to change. Our relationship is going to get better, I'm gonna have money to get us a house call mom money to get a wedding planner, I am just doing all this, so I can make sure I can provide the life that you deserve. I want to be able to afford everything that you want and these are the steps that I have to take. It's so stressful for me so I know that is stressful on you as well. We are a partnership, we naturally take on each other's stress and I apologize for all this shit."

" it is fine." I shit him a smile and he smiled.

" if you ever need to let me know anything, let me know. If something is bothering you to the point that you think it will eventually affect our relationship. Just let me know. I will drop in and fix everything. I am so glad that you understand what is going on here because I don't want you to feel like I'm abandoning you or your feelings. I just have to secure the spot, I'm fresh out of college and you know that people think it's risky when I don't have a résumé. I'm fresh out of school and they are just taking chances with me and I have to prove myself. I have to let them know that they made the right choice and I actually learned this shit and I am a professional. I have to prove myself." I nodded.

" it's all right baby, when do you leave for your trip?"

" Two days for three days, after that, I'm going to take a little break because I've been going so hard for these past few months, and I always talk to my boss about it and he understands. So we can do or go wherever you want. Nobody else just is." I smiled.

"Really?" He laughed and kissed me.

" yes, you deserve it, we deserve it."


" well, that shit is not gonna work in the end. He can't just abandon your needs in your words. Then he would be shocked that you were into another man." Maggie scuffed. " like are you shocked... Don't be shocked."

" he is just working really hard. I can't be mad at them for that. he is trying to establish our future, That is the most beautiful thing that I ever seen."

" well, when are you going to get a job, because you keep saying that you're looking but you still haven't found a job." I shrugged as I'd she could see me.

" I don't know if I wouldn't work anymore, I wanna be a housewife and me, and Marq talked about it and that is why he is so adamant about securing this job. He said if that's what I wanna do then he is going to have to work a little bit harder to get to things that he needs. But he doesn't mind it and I am so thankful for that."

" you may all of the day just to not do anything with it." I laughed.

" my aunt pay for it so it's gonna be fine. I ain't to pressed about no fucking debt."

" so what happened to your friend?"

" who Jai?"

" no, Jai." She snapped back.

" bitch don't be smart, plus we aren't talking right now. Like the last time I told you he cut me off because he didn't like how I had to respect Marq. Are you really starting to feel bad about it and because he was actually fine but I guess it's for the best."

" damn, he don't play no games." I laughed.

" I know, he really just cut me off like I was it was nothing for him to do because I am easily replaceable to him which is probably true for him."

" well, don't worry about it too much, we're about your fiancé." I nodded.

Chris POV

Somehow, I always end up back in the situations. I don't understand why motherfuckers take me as a motherfucking joke. I am trying to be a better person. I am trying to be understanding but motherfuckers. Keep playing with my money. I'm sick of going through the same fucking shit with these niggas. I have been chilling and out-of-the-way for the sake of my daughter. I have been being more empathetic because I am a father now. I don't want to be a monster, or a murderer anymore. Sometimes niggas just deserve that side of me.

" Trevor."

" do you have company?" Dee yelled. " you can't hide forever."

" Trevor!" I motion for them to stay in back. " let me I feel like you're wasting my time and you know how I get when I feel like my time is wasted. We are all about to have a big ass problem. I know where your fucking mom live, you, Shorty live, I know everything about you and I would hate to have to fucking her everybody around you until you come out this bitch. I already got people set up at your folks place. So you make that choice."

"Chuck I don't have the money man, I have been trying to get it." he yelled from wherever he was at.

" is that my fault. You don't know how to control yourself man. I actually like you, but this ain't no regular all on the street as a business. This is $1000 worth of fucking business. If you think I'm a let that shit slide you dumber than I thought you was. I thought you were a smart guy Trevor. You talk a good fucking game but you let me down."

" I will get it, just give me A week. I will have it when you come back please just let me get it." he stepped out the room.

" I actually like you, and I need my fucking money so let's do this... You have 24 hours starting when I walk out of his fucking house to give me my fucking money. I will kill every-" I grabbed him. " I will kill every motherfucker around you into I get my fucking money. I will ruin your fucking life. You're going to suffer, and I am going to make sure of it."

" OK man, I understand."

" don't fuck around and get your mom Killed." He look petrified. " See you in 24 hours. benefit I'm a give you five minutes to spare, fuck him up." He yelled and Pooh and AJ jumped on his ass and start beating his fucking ass.

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