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Rain POV

"Bitch you might be pregnant." Bahia covered her mouth.

"What? No." I shook my head.

"Yes." She dropped her hands. "I mean it all makes sense, the symptoms. The nausea, the sore breast, the weird food cravings... It all makes sense."

" I can't be pregnant."

" yes you can and you are I'm pretty sure. But like you said before, you wanna kid. Even when you were pregnant with Chris's baby , this is your chance to make up for that. I'm pretty sure Jaiden will never put you in that predicament."

" but I for gave Chris for that, I don't wanna kid be. I really really don't, me and Jaden have nothing in common. He's just for fun and he's not even really fun anymore."

Bahia POV

I watched her as she started to ramble on her words.

I don't know I Feel like this would fill the void that Chris left. With the whole abortion thing, I still don't think she's truly over that and that is why she behaves the way that she does.

"Rainee let's just go get a pregnancy test and we can take it. We don't even know if you're pregnant yet."

She nodded, and I could see the panic in her face. It's like she already knew that she was pregnant. I am so sure that she is.

Oh, we hopped in my car and went to the nearest pharmacy. She picked up every fucking clear blue pregnancy test the had.


" oh my gosh I do not want a baby. Why didn't I get pregnant by Marq? We never used a fucking condom either."

" just go check the test." I sighed.

She slowly made her way into the bathroom, and I couldn't help but to start freaking out my fucking self. It's very evident that she doesn't want this child. I was hoping that maybe this is just for now, because what is she going to do.

"Oh fucking god!" She yelled and I hopped up.

" What? What do it say?"

" I am pregnant." She started bawling her eyes out. " I cannot be pregnant. What am I going to do? He hangs around with little ass kids all day. He doesn't even want to get married. We have no fucking chemistry anymore. He is just fun to be around, we just don't have anything in common."

" well, maybe he doesn't want a kid either however you still have to tell him it's better to tell him sooner than later. You can't even schedule an appointment to see how far along you are and the best options available for you two. But this is definitely something that you should discuss with him." I rubbed her back.

"No!" She yelled.

" It's all gonna be all right. I thought you would have wanted a kid because of what happened with Chris."

" I didn't want a child with Chris. I never want a child. I don't want kids. I just don't want kids, look how life can just be ruined for them. Within a split second I lost my mother and my father. I had no real family. My life is a fucked up mess because I'm so afraid to love something or someone, I have commitment issues, I have abandonment issues. I have so many mental issues that I deal with, I am not in the space where I can take care of a kid. I can admit now that yes, I was going to get an abortion no matter what Chris said. I can admit it now because me and him talked about it. I didn't want kids then and I don't want them now, I don't see kids for myself."

" well, why did you make it such a big deal that he didn't want the kid?"

" because it was easier to blame him, I hated myself for not wanted child. It was so much more easier to blame him. he took the heat off, everybody attacked him, and I know that sounds fucked up, but it worked for me." I couldn't stop the look of disgust on my face.

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