Chapter 50

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Rain POV

"Hey guys." I hugged the twins and sat down on the bleacher.

Chris had invited me out to the basketball court because he feels like I am making myself depressed trapping myself in the house.

"What's up sis?" E hugged me. "We ain't seen you in forever."

"I know I been chilling." I shrugged and I hugged Dee and he held me.

"Rain I love you."

"I love you too."

"I don't ever want you to think that I think ill of you. You are my baby sister, I love you. You shouldn't feel uncomfortable around us and I apologize for making you feel that way." He rubbed my back. "If you need to talk I am here, Bahia is being stubborn right now but if you call she will pick up to. We love you and we just don't wanna see you get hurt or hurt yourself. We are sorry if we came off pushy because that wasn't the intentions."

"I love you and thank you." He let me go.

"Yeah, we were just a little upset about the trip being awkward. It was just a custer of confusion, toxicity. Negative energy and it was so overwhelming. We got mad for a second but at the end of the day we all love you and we all want what's best for you. Whatever you decide to do in life we got you 100 grand." E spoke and I nodded.

The shot clock went off.

"I got next nigga, I been in for three rounds." Chris walked over to the bleachers and sat beside me.

"We need two more players!" Someone yelled from the court and of course the Twins hopped up.

It's been so long since I got to just sit back and watch them play basketball. It used to be one of my favorite things to do.

"You can't stop the Rain... when it start to pour..." Chris song and I laughed.

"Shut up." He threw his arm around my neck and kissed my cheek. "Don't touch me with them slut lips." He erupted into laughter.

"Who told you I was a slu?" I look at him and he laughed. "I am not a slut, I am a business."

"Ew shut up." I mushed him.

"I am! It's all transactions, protection is a must and I fuck with clean bitches."


"Samantha, Jane, Janet, Ashley, summer."

"Isn't sam in a relationship with a pro ball player?"

"Yeah but she thinks he is gay cause he just don't be really hitting for shit and he got my weird behaviors."

"You still mess with Nijay?" I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

"I don't fuck her, why you don't like her?"

"The building made us switch parking spot and now she is right by the door and I am all the way in the back." He laughed. "It's not funny I should've beat her ass."

" now you know... that was never your parking spot. You used to park there cause didn't nobody park there."

" I don't give a fuck." I tried not to laugh but his laugh was contagious.

"She told me that you said she was a rebound and gonna another Miyomi." I sighed.

" I know, Malika told me. That was a long Conversation. And I think she took the words out of context."

"Out of context?" He looked at me like I was crazy and I nodded. "Okay." He shrugged.

Honestly, I don't even remember why I said that. She is actually a really cool girl. And she is very understanding, she is smart. She helps give the best conversations and advice.

"I am hungry."

"Wanna go grab something?"



"So what is going to be you major?"

"I was thinking Communication or maybe marketing."

" why don't you go to be a veterinarian?" He asked. " you always loved animals."

Chris POV

I watch Rain talk about going to college.

She is so beautiful however when she talks about something that she's excited about and passionate about the glow that she has is just different. She has always talked about going to college and the fact that is really happening just makes me proud of her. It just feels good that we are slowly repairing our friendship.

No matter what we go through she will always have been a great friend to me. Before all of this shit she was something that I never experienced before. She bought me happiness that I never felt before. And I will always respect her for that. I mean we always knew that if our relationship failed it would affect our friendship but it wouldn't destroy our friendship. And I am just so glad that we kept that promise and we are trying to repair our friendship.

" you gonna be all the way out ATL, Black Hollywood." She nodded. " I am glad that you got somebody out there though. I know you have social anxiety and stuff like that."

" yeah and I feel like that is gonna be the hardest part for me. Opening up and meeting new people. You guys kind of came to me. If you get what I'm saying. That is how I always have met my friends people coming to me but I feel like I am going to have to step out of my comfort zone out there." I nodded.

" most likely but that is gonna be good for you. Don't none of them know you out there so just go out there and become a totally different person if you want to. That's the thing about meeting completely new people you can be whoever you want to be. You could be who you always wanted to be if you want to." She nodded.

" I low-key wish that Bahia was coming."

"Ask her."

" she is mad at me right now."

"Knowing Bahia if it happened a hour ago she is cool." We laughed. "She loves you."

"Yeah, but Haley said that I said some things to her while I was drunk."

"What? What you say?"

"I don't know but she blocked me and I haven't seen her since." I sighed.

" you must've said some fucked up shit because Bahia is joint to your hip. She cannot move without you."

" yeah, I miss having her over my house all day until 2 o'clock in the morning for no fucking reason. Now it feels like I am really living by myself."

" yeah she did say she never wanted you there by yourself. Especially after the little scare with Miyomi brother. She will be back around because she worries about your well-being too much. She ain't gonna stay away too long. Knowing her she probably stressing the fuck out right now trying to figure out what you're doing and how are you doing." She nodded.

Bahia has always been by Rain's side. She didn't play about Rain and I always respected that. That's why she will always be my sister because when she loves her hard she loves hard. She has always been protective over Rain. She didn't play that shit. It's plenty of times when she called my phone and cursing me the fuck out. When he comes to Rain nobody's off-limits.

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