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Rain POV

"Yeah, Tom'e doesn't mean it i am sure, He just takes things like that very personally, and I am just speaking off of my own experience with that." I shrugged.

" Yeah but I just said let's open the relationship because I was scared that he already cheating on me and I won't apologize for being insecure when I felt like he's giving me reasons to."

" if he is telling you that he didn't do anything you can't say I'm not gonna apologize." I shrugged and she sighed.

" I was just already in the fence and I said what I said." I nodded. " Like he was attacking me in a way, just blurted out all of our dirty laundry in front of Chris and then it became the whole house. Not to leave out that I was the one that yelled for us but once he realized they were all starting to surround us he should've been quiet."

" Tom'e has a fire that is already lit and if you throw gasoline on it, of course it's going to irrupt and the flames are gonna grow higher. You can't poke him and then be surprised when he reacts."

" but he had no real reason to explode how he did, he got mad at me for calling out the fact that he was in love with Chrissy."


right now we are supposed be out with everyone else at breakfast but I decided to just go out with me and Maggie because I like her. She is really cool and I can see a lot of myself in her and we have a lot of things in common.

" then I feel like he was just trying to gaslight and manipulate me for me being mad at him. Basically he wanted to turn everything on me. he is such a narcissist, and this is why when we go around people we have to remain quiet. I never know what he's going to say. I don't understand how he can act so happy with her, but I was there through all the hard times. I got the least of the least."

" I know how you feel, trust me. after a while, you are going to get over it, it depends on how you guys choose to go about the situation. Obviously, he loves you. he has been very respectful of your feelings this whole time which means he still cares." I sip my mimosa. " shit... I wish Chris was like this for me."

Chris POV

" I just don't understand why this conversation is ongoing, it is up to you whatever you choose to do is what you choose to do. I'm not gonna hate you for it when I already knew what the fuck was going on." Chrissy shrugged. " appreciate you trying to worry about my feelings. But it is what it is is the truth is that I knew what I was getting into and that's why I always try to protect myself."

We are at breakfast in the girls are talking about what happened last night. Tom'e and Chrissy are now having a one-sided debate about how to go about things. Tom'e is really stressing the fuck out because he doesn't know what to do. I feel like he should just follow his heart and go the route that he feels like he needs to go. Chrissy is being very supportive and shit but we all know how they feel about each other because it's very transparent. In the way they act, talk, interact with eachother in general.

" Don't have to talk about this right now. We are at breakfast we should be enjoying myself. This is something that I feel like going to take more than a few days to figure out." Malika shrugged. " I apologize for bringing it up but it was on my mind. I didn't think it would get this far."

" it's fine I mean you guys were there to watch it play out, so why not you know? I don't think is really as complicated as he's making him. I knew about the open relationship and I chose to still indulge in it, so what I am saying if he decides to be with his girlfriend, why would I be mad at him for that? we had this conversation before and we talked about this 1 million fucking times and now that the time is he is making it complicated." She looked at him and he sighed. "Tom'e relax, it is fine." She sat her fork down.

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