Chapter 49

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Chris POV

"Well it is what it is." Nijay laughed. "Play boy don't play around and get beat to death."

"Yeah yeah." I laughed. "How was class?"

"Good, another pop up quiz, I don't think the bitch understands you have to teach us something to quiz us." She laughed. "Who you spend your day with today?"

"I was chilling today." I sighed and she kissed her teeth.

"Was it Jane or Ashley? Summer?"

"I was supposed to go see Jane but her pops popped up." I laughed. "I just keep it pushing."

"What about Sam, you know that is your favorite whore." I laughed.

"No that is actually true tho, she is a business, in and out. I fucks with that." She laughed.

"I bet your slut ass do." I laugh.

"I love being used. I live for that shit." She laughed. "We should take another trip but I know everybody gone wanna go. It's alway something on these trip."

"Why don't you just go by yourself."

"No. I am better when I work in a partnership or like a group. It's sad but it's true."

"Where you wanna go... I can't go I got school."

"I don't know somewhere quick... how about Jamaica."

"I can't go." She laughed. "Ask one of you girlfriends."

"I want you to come."

"Christopher, I don't have time. I have classes and I have step practice and soccer practice just so much I am already squeezing in."

"When you go on break?"

"I am not sure, Christmas break but I am going home with my family." I nodded. "We can squeeze it in then. Which is in like a month and a half."

"Why you don't wanna speaks time with me baby."

"No you didn't not just trying to manipulate me." I laughed. "Bring so some food to my house and I will spend all the time in the world with you."

"Why you say it like that? You tryna seduce me?"

"I am a grown ass woman." She chuckle. "Ain't no trying." I shook my head.

"Blah blah blah."

"You coming over or what?"

"Or what."

"Okay." She shrugged. "Bye." She hung up.

Rain POV

"So if you start in the spring we could have like a fresh start." Mark explained. "We can get you all set up and shit."

" Alanta is actually very far away from here though and I feel like that would scares me."

"It's kinda hard at first but it is really fun. You meet new people and you go to parties and shit. You already live on your own so it's might be easier for you because the hardest thing for me was learning to live on my own." He shrugged and I nodded.

"Plus I get the chance to make new friends, everybody hates me right now."

"I doubt any of them hate you. Especially Bahia, she is probably worried sick. She worries about you so much. She is too aware of you sometimes. She is just scared of losing you and she may have attachment issues. When she speak about you, you can feel how much she loves and adore you." He laughed.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"She is usually over here, I don't see her in a while. What happened?" He look at me.

"I said some really messed up shit to her when I was drunk." He started at me.

"You were drunk Rain, do you remember what you said?" I shook my head.

"I just woke up to a long text from her. Just saying how she didn't appreciate me playing her in front of my cousin when she protected me from my cousin for most of my life. Which is true, she always made sure I was good before anything. Bahia had always be very protective of me and my feelings forever. She held me down when I didn't have nobody. She held my hand through so much shit." He sighed.

"You guys love eachother, you will hash it out."

That was the scary part. I don't know if we were even going to have the opportunity to hash out. Bahia Is a one and done type of person. She protects herself at all costs. She still doesn't mess with her family because they put her in a hotel by herself when her and Melody going to fight. She doesn't play and I may have fucked that up. Especially when she would have never did that to me.

Chris POV

I knocked on the door and she opened the door.

"Mmm." She rolled her eyes and I slipped past her.

I walked in the living room and he sister was there with like three other females.

"Hello." I waved and they smiled.

"This is Chris, Chris this Paige, Hailey, Vicky and you know Kejah." I hugged her sister and shook the rest of them up.

"Nice to meet you guys."

"Well you guys and keep studying, I'll be back." I followed her to the kitchen. "I thought you weren't coming."

"I was joking."

"You are a fucking joke."

"Why you being mean?" She looked at me and frowned up her face.

"Anyway... I ran into Rain on the elevator and she rolled her eyes at me. What did you tell her about me?"

"Why she roll her eyes?"

"I don't know, that is why I am asking you? I didn't do anything to her."

"Well did-"

"I said hey girlie... like I always have and she looked me dead in my face and rolled her eyes." I was confused.

"I didn't tell her anything about you, she called me early and asked if I was cool and I said yeah and we chopped it up about her going to college with Mark and we hung up." She sighed.

"Then what did I do?" She asked herself.

"Don't stress it."

"No I have this little problem where I wanna beat bitches up for weird energy out of no where." I looked at her and she stared me dead in my eye. "Tell me that is not weird? Like it's like she was playing in my face. She look me dead in my fucking face."

"I don't know why she did that but you don't have to fight her."

"I should've smack the shot outta of her when her drunken ass said I was going to end up like Miyoni but I let it slide. I am a rebound?"

"For who? I wasn't with anymore."

"She is not nice."

"I'd that why you weren't speaking to her the day before we left?" She rolled her eyes.

"We were all in the hot tub and she said it. Malika was right there and she just shook her head. I didn't know what to say because it was just out of no where. I was going to tell you but I wasn't fucking with you."

"Well I'll ask."

"No I will ask." She patted my chest and walked back in the living room and I sat the food on the counter.

I walked in the living room.

"Sit." She motioned beside her and I sat down and she gave me the remote. "But how did you get that? I got 6 1/4 ab." They went back to what they were doing and I turn on

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