Chapter 27

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Chris POV

I woke up in the middle of the night. I haven't been able to sleep lately. I just sat there in the pitch black.

I just can't find even the littlest piece of happiness in myself. I mean yes I have external happiness like Rain and my friends but I am not happy.

"Chris you okay?" I felt Rain wrapped her arms around me.

"I am fine."

"You sure? You can talk to me."

"I am chilling." I shot her a smile and she smiled softly.

I don't even know how I feel or what is causing me to feel this way but I know I feel different and I feel so unhappy.

"You heard that?" Rain asked.

My ears perked up and the door slammed.

I grabbed my gun and made my way downstairs.

"Who is there?" I walked into the kitchen and Tom'e stood there making a sandwich.

"Nigga I am just making a sandwich." He rolled his eyes. "Who else would it be besides me?"

"I don't know, that was the point of being on alert." He shook his head. "What is your problem, man?"

"Here we go with this bullshit." He sighed loudly. "I have had a lot of shit happen to me so maybe that has something to do with it."

"Why do you act like you hate me? Like me being around is just the worst thing in the world?"

"I don't act like shit, you don't like me." He shrugged. "I am just recuperating the energy."

"Why do you think that? I love you."

"No you don't." He chuckled. "But like my bad about earlier and I will be out your crib tomorrow."

"No I am talking to you." Continued to walk away from me and I followed him.

Rain POV

"I am fucking talking to you!" I heard Chris yell and I jumped up and walked in the hallway and Tom'e walked around me.

Chris calmly walked up behind him and picked his ass up and slammed him on the ground.

Tom'e jumped back up and they started fighting.

"Fuck you!" Tom'e yelled.

"Fuck you!" They were just throwing blows like niggas on the street. "You little bitch, I did all this for you! I ruined my life for you. This how you repay me." I was scared to even jump in the middle of them.

"Chris stop!" I yelled. "Stop fighting."

"You mad as fuck you can't control me, you ain't do this for me. You did it for you and your little bitch." Chris threw him to the floor and gripped him up by his shirt.

"You ungrateful bitch, I did this for you. So you can have the life we always wanted. All you do is bitch and complain."

"Chris come on." I slowly walked over to him.

"You got the life and you left me! You knew she was touching on me and you just left me. You had money and cars and you were living the hood life! Not me! She was starving me and forcing me to have sex with her just like she did you and you just left me."

"I'd didn't know she-" Chris voice soften and he let him go and tom'e stood up and push Chris away.

"She did it to you! So when you left who did you think she was gone do it to! You don't care about me! You keep sending me over there everytime I do one thing you don't like. I am a man too, I have my own opinions and thoughts too. You can't control me and you hate it. You don't care about me and how I feel! So fuck how you feel!" Tears rolled down tom'e's face. "You were my everything and you just left. I was scared too, I was tired too. I wanted to go with you."

"Tom'e I was just trying to get shit together. For us for the both of us but-"

"But you found you a bitch and she told you I made her uncomfortable and you started acting different right? She didn't like that you loved me and you let her take you away from me!"

"No I just didn't know how to deal with you and your attitude and I didn't wanna hurt you!" He walked closer to him. "I am so sorry, I didn't think she would do that to you because you are her blood grandchild. I thought-"

"Well you thought wrong! A child molester is a child molester. And the only person that ever protected me left in the hands of the devil. You left me! It was so easy for you to leave me!"

"I am so sorry." We stood in sad silence.

"Man just forget I said anything! I am good you know? I will just leave tomorrow and I'll figure it out. Like I said my bad for everything." He turned to walk out and Chris grabbed him and hugged him.

"I am so sorry bro."

"How could you leave me?" I wiped the tears that fell from my eyes. The sound of his cries just made me more emotional.

"I am so sorry, I love you so much. I will fix this, I will never leave you again." Tom'e hugged him back.


We all sat at the table and ate breakfast in silence.

"I wanna go to college." Tom'e spoke and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. The air has been so thick.

Both of them don't know how to address what happened this morning.

"Yeah?" Chris smiled for the first time in forever. Like a genuine smile.

"Yeah, I don't want you to think I am taking advantage of you but I was wondering if you could help me. I never really wanted to be in the streets man but I just wanted to get out of that place and I wanted out first."

"Well that makes me feel so much better. I will pay for you to go to any school you want, man. We can get you a dorm or an apartment, a car what ever. I am just so happy man."

"For real?"

"Fa shit sure, bro." Tom'e smiled softly. "I am proud of you and I have always been proud of you and your grades."

"Thank you. Since next year is my last year I wanna start looking into it. I will go live with my girl... I don't wanna-"

"You can stay here with me. Don't nobody know about this place but Rain. Not the twins or nobody, just us. We can fix up your room make you comfortable whatever bro. I want you to live with me and we can actually start trying to build our bond back." He nodded, "I need you to do something for me as well."

"I am listening."

"I want to actually try to fix this for the better of us. We actually need to sit down and even if it is a hard conversation we need to have it." Tom'e nodded. "I love you man, I just want the best for you and I am gonna do my part for that to happen."

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