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Brwn.Nijay Loving my new reality💕

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_Bahia: this is the cutest shit I have ever seen!🫢
Malikaj: y'all making me want another baby.
↪️Brwn.Nijay:everything makes you want another baby. I say go for it, I want another cutest baby niece or nephew.
Otg.chuckie: my favorite place in the world, I love you guys with everything in me. I love you so much baby❤️
↪️Brwn.Nijay: I love you more baby❤️🌍
ChrisDemona: My people❤️❤️
Otg.Kong: the little feet 🦶🏾 @_.Bahia I think I am ready🫣
Random: you still ain't showing us what our Neph look like... I'm done.
MarquisD: this is not fair! I should been in this picture! You know what? 🖕🏿
Random: this is so cute and classy with unveiling too much. I love it ❤️ so cute❤️
Iamrxin: so stinking cute❤️❤️

"You can cut them down like really short." I showed her where and she nodded. "So you haven't talk to him?"

" no within these two weeks I haven't found a reason to. As of recently talking to him hasn't been pleasurable or something that I want to do. So I don't feel like I need to. That's on him." Chrissy shrugged. " I was thinking about moving back but I have a little family here with you guys and I actually love being around you guys. He's not gonna fuck that up. I mean if he wants me to distance myself from his family then cool but I don't think is that serious, but then again, he is so fucking petty." she rolled her eyes.

" I love having you around as well." I nodded. " I honestly wish this shit didn't happen between you guys because I actually like you guys together. You guys hit a rough patch and and it got really rough however, maybe in the future." She shrugged.

"Fuck him and that baby." My mouth dropped and she laughed. " fuck his baby mom, fuck her mom, fuck her dad, fuck her dead brother, fuck her sister. Fuck all them people. She want to talk about my dead dad well, fuck everybody around her, including him. Because he should never told the bitch none of my business. I still have yet to disrespect her and she keeps going on these little rants because she's pregnant like I won't beat her the fuck up anyway. I don't tell nobody his business, so why the fuck is he telling people my business. That's weird as fuck, how did that conversation come up. That's like me sitting with some nigga I'm fucking on and being like oh yeah his parents dead. It doesn't make sense. it's so unnecessary." I nodded in agreement.

" yes, he didn't have to say that or tell her that."

" he didn't have to say a lot of the he said. He talks too fucking much." she sighed. "Okay let's stop talking about him because I am subconsciously remembering all the good times we had together and I don't need to do that. I don't know why I'm doing that right now. I haven't done that shit in like three weeks." I laughed.

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