Chapter 26

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Chris POV

"I never put my hands on you." E continued to argue with Haylee. "You are a fucking liar man."

"No you are liar! You did put your hands on me."


"When you went through my phone and you saw them old ass text."

"Yea I pushed you off of me. You was mad at me I caught YOU telling another nigga my kid was his. You keep blaming all this shit on me but you caused all your fucking problems. I never cheated on you, you cheated on me. I never played on your folks but you played on mine. We all know you are a lying and evil hearted person and your are sad fuck bro. What the fuck happened to you?"

"You and everyone else is what happened to me. You never loved me, we both made mistakes but everybody hates me for mine."

"Do you not see the pain that you caused people? You have to own up to that shit so everybody can move past it. Nobody really be on that type time or on some weird hating shit. That be you, that's why I will continue to say you bring your problems onto your self."

"Whatever." She waved him off.

Right now niggas supposed to be playing ball but bitches keep popping up to do nothing but argue about the next bitch like get over it.

She played in this nigga face for sometime now and now she care about who he fucking on. She need to go somewhere with that shit.

"Y'all niggas playing or what?"

"Nigga who is you? Relax we coming." E snapped.

"Get the fuck off the court so niggas can play. Fuck is you talking about?" He threw me the ball.

They walked off the court.

"Calm all that hype shit down." I wiped my face.

"Man it's whatever." He stepped to me just to get knocked the fuck out.

People start rushing over.

"You gone be banned from this court."

"Shut the fuck up."

Rain POV

"What the fuck they got going on?" Bahia jumped up and took off and I followed behind her.

"Chris come on." I grabbed him and damn near dragged him off the court.

He reached in his car and grabbed a blunt and light it.

"What happened?"

"Haylee mad E fucking on Makayla like bitch move around. Niggas was getting in they coochie about the interruption and stepped and got put down." He reclined his seat.

"You look stressed..." I climbed over the seat and straddled him. "You okay?" He nodded.

"This shit is just getting harder and harder everyday! I don't think Tom'e understands the thought of him being anything like me, stresses me the fuck out man. I will give him what ever he wants just to prevent that shit." I sighed.

"Chris he is a man, you should understand that he has a pride and a ego. As I man he doesn't want another man taking care of him."

"I know I just wish he had different dreams and ambitions. He think this shit is the way but it isn't. I am on my toes everyday and paranoid most of the time and I am tired of this but I am just getting started. I am young as fuck and I took this shut over when it was hot and the street needed shit. I been doing the since I was 14. I am tired."

"I understand baby, you have a lot on your shoulders." I kissed him.

I made a mental note to talk to Tom'e. He is my bestfriend forreal, I love having him around. Even though Chris hated it they are definitely a like in a lot of ways.

"I need a vacation, a real vacation."

"Yeah that vacation was fun at the end. When it was all positive vibes. We should do that again. A baecation. Makayla and E, Bahia and Dee, Melody and Trevor, Me and you, Tom'e and Meggy. That sound fun." I smiled at how fun it sounded.

"Yeah... I think we should do that shit forreal. We can go out to bora bora or somewhere, Miami was cool and all but I wanna go out the country. Just get away."

"Yeah." Kissed on his neck softly.

He finish smoking and I hopped back into my seat and he started the car up and pulled off.


"Tom'e just relax." I sighed as him and Chris argued for the tenth time. I know this is what siblings do but damn it is exhausting as fuck.

"Just how he won't let no nigga talk to him crazy is the same way I feel, the fuck. You ain't about to sit up here and talk to me like I am no bitch, cause that ain't this and this ain't that."

"Bro shut the fuck up, all you do is sitting around this bitch and moan and whine about everything! You are miserable as fuck! Damn! I am tired, you sucking the happiness out of me. This why you always end up going back to your fucking peoples shit because you are just like them."

"I don't give a fuck, send me over there. I am gone be 18 real soon and I will get shit on my own." He waved him off. "You say shit like that and then wonder why I don't wanna live off you. Soon as you don't like something I say you think that gives you the right to talk to me any type way. Nah, fuck outta here."

"I don't even say shit to you because nobody feel like arguing about dumb shit. You my little brother and I can't even have a simple conversation with you. What is even the point of tryna make this work."

"I don't know." Tom'e shrugged. "We been through the same shit and you act like you understand but you don't, and you don't care to."

"No, I do understand but I ain't miserable and I'm not about to sit around and complain and cry all fucking day like you do. I'm trying to provide you with a better life if you just let me. But no you want to bitch and cry about all the shit I do for you because you feel like you should do it for yourself. What type of dumb shit is that? I'm trying to do for you I wish mom did for us, and you still got a problem. You're not my fucking child OK I didn't have you but somehow you my responsibility and this is how you treat me? Fuck you, I am done. you could go rip and run in the streets all you want to. You can go back to your grandmas, do whatever the fuck you want." Chris walked upstairs and Tom'e got up and walked out the house.

I sighed.

Tom'e is s piece of work but he challenges Chris like he's never been challenged before. Chris is used to structure and being in control and Tom'e just simply doesn't give a fuck. He is always angry and upset though, it makes you wonder because why?

"Baby you okay?" I sat on his bed.

We ended up coming back to his house because he wanted to drop off some food for Tom'e.

"I am tired." He spoke softly, "this is too much."

His energy had been off a lot lately, he isn't the happy and care free Chris I met. He has really been unhappy lately.

He probably is just genuinely stressed out and tired.

"I am sorry baby." I hugged him and after a while he wrapped his arms around me.

"He just don't understand... what if I lose him. Then what would I have, what am I going to do with myself. I don't understand why he hates me." He started to cry.

"Awe baby." I wiped his face gently. "He doesn't hate you, Chris. He is just growing up and going through his own emotions and trying to figure life out just like the rest of us."

"I am just so tired, I don't know what is wrong. I just don't want to be here." He closed his eyes and the tears just kept falling. "I wish I had a normal life like everybody else. If I could go back I would, it doesn't matter how much shit I buy or own, I am not happy. I am just... tired of this shit." He laid his head on my shoulder and cried.

This was the first time I saw him cry or he ever expressed how he felt to me.

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