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Rain POV

"I just didn't appreciate that." Marq argued.

"I didn't do it Maggie did."

I said that shit for the hundreds times. We been talking about this all morning.

"You are grown as fuck. Stop acting like a fucking child. Do you know how that makes you fucking look? How that make us look!"

"Stop yelling."

"No you stop being so fucking bitter and salty. You are so fucking clueless! Give it up, that act isn't cutesy and adorable. It's fucking dumb and harmful to the people around you. You like to make motherfucka feel like they are crazy or fucking nuts! I am tired of being gaslit and mentally picked apart. I am so tired of not feeling good enough. I will never be Chris! Get over it! You do it to everyone around you!"

"There is nobody around me!"I yelled.

"I wonder why!"

"You couldn't wait to say that-"

"Oh shut the fuck up with this turning and deflecting shit. You are so fucking manipulative! Shut up, this is about you! You will not flip it on me so stop trying to." I heated shuffling. "Why would you ever think that is okay? Huh? Especially with our fucking past. I am tired of going through the same shit, pleading for the same fucking shit! I am tired! That is embarrassing and you continue to embarrass me so shamelessly! Oh my fucking god! I am tired of this shit."

"It wasn't me!"

"You are 24 years old! You are not a fucking baby Rain! Nobody can make you do shit! You act so fucking stupid! Oh my gosh how did I get this deep into this shit." He sighed.

"Why would you call me stupid?"

"Why do you act like you are fucking mentally challenged? When you can answer that I will answer your question. You wanna see me get like this, you like to poke and hide you hands. You wanna reaction so bad, you wanna see my break right, here. You fucking got it!" He shouted and I didn't even know what to say. "Do you like it when I act like you? Huh? Okay then stop trying to play me like I am fucking stupid, if you love him go fucking be with him."

"I don't love him, I love you and I want to be with you."

"Oh fuck off." He hung up.

We have been arguing all morning because of the caption Maggie wrote. He is say that it makes him uncomfortable that I am salty and pressed about the pregnancy but I am not.

There was a knock on my door.

I opened the door and Keke stood there.

"Hey, are you-"

"Bitch leave my fucking sister alone. I have tried to stay out of it but what you are not going to do is keep playing with her. She wants to be mature and understanding but I won't. I am tired of you shit. You are so mean to her and she has done nothing to you. You come to her house complaining like y'all are friends and then when she tried to help and then YOU cause more problems and blame her and be nasty to her. You are a fucking weirdo! If nobody else is going to stand up for her I will. Chris should've been said something to you! He knows how she is, leave her the fuck alone, my older sister may be nice but I am not. You don't want this smoke so I suggest you try your fucking best to keep the peace. I am dead ass serious."

"What are you talking about?"

"Your favorite five words." She scoffed. "Leave my sister alone or we are going to have a huge problem. You mean nasty bitch. You aren't gone to bully her about no nigga I can tell you that right now."

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