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Nijay POV

" OK and that is why I didn't want to live with you and I'm not going to live with you." Chrissy shrugged. " I don't give a fuck. I am trying to get my school shit together."

"Yo nobody asked you to give a fuck. You mad as shit." Chris sighed.

" Yes I am and I have every right to be mad. The fuck are you stupid. You have to fucking stupid the fuck you wanna come in here and try to start an argument about some shit you did. You been doing lame ass shit these last couple of months, let's be honest. We don't have to be together. We don't have to fuck on each other. None of that shit. None of that shit."

"If you that what you want stand on that shit. You mad as fuck. I cant change what happened. Oh well."

"Tom'e relax bro." Chris stepped in. " you are oozing anger out your mouth. Just relax. you love her right?"

"Nah I am cool on that."

"Nigga ain't nobody ask you to love me the fuck. Please because you are really showing your ass. You have never talk to me like this, ever but I'm glad you show me who you really were. you don't have to love me, I am fine. I am OK. I told you from the jump you don't have to say it because I'm saying it because when I say it I mean it. I don't play with that word I don't give it out and take it back once I love you I love you." her voice cracked. " i'm cool off you, first, I gotta deal with your baby mom all of a sudden she nasty and rude to me and you keep letting her get away with it. I have never did anything to that girl or you or her parents, or her sister, but they can all attack me and you expect me to be quiet. You can't protect me and I will never be with a man like that, ever."

"Well don't. Go home, go back to wherever you wanna go back to. Go do you."

"Come on." I grabbed her and she got up and I grabbed my keys and we made our way out the building.

he has been being very disrespectful and just all over the place since he got here. He wants to argue with her and she doesn't want to argue so he continue to make her mad so he can get a reaction out of her.

" I do not give a fuck." She laughed sourly. "That is so- man." She slumped in the seat and her face fell into her hands.

" Just relax just calm down everybody needs to calm down."

" I want to go home. I don't even know why I rearrange my life for this nigga man. I always told myself I would never do this shit and here I am in love with somebody who isn't even my man. He never in his life talk to me like this. Fuck him he never talk to me like that. Now he's stressing, he want to take it out on me. He want me to have a bad day with him. I try my best to-" she cried. " this baby shit is already too much. I am trying. It is taking every fucking piece of me to love this man and I never wanted to be in this situation. I am done." she wiped her face.

" Maybe you guys just need to calm down and then have a civilized conversation."

" there's no calm down. He showed me how he is at his worst and that is all I needed to see. If he can get that nasty no I don't want to be with him. You don't love me anymore because I'm not gonna let you bully me. Fuck you." She wiped her face.

She pulled out her phone and called her mom.

"Hey mommy... nothing I was just wondering if you could come pick me up from Nijay house... because I do not like him... I already told you that he keep letting this bitch and her family bully me on fucking social media... Her little sister talking about she gone fuck me up and this and that like I will... I swear to God these people really don't know me I will go apeshit in this bitch and everybody gonna act like I'm the problem... no... I am done... I don't even feel safe with him... What type of relationship- that's what I'm saying... I am dead ass serious... I do love him but come on now, this is taking too much... everyone always saying calm down... there's no more conversation he already said what he said... We'll see..." she hung up her. "I'll stay at a hotel."

" You don't have to do that. Chris has plenty of places you can stay."

" that is so sad he's a show off ass bitch." She sniffled and wiped her face. "Big dick shut motherfucka."

"What?" We laughed.

"It's true, that's why I'm stuck." She laughed softly.

Chris POV

"You can't say shit like that when you love somebody. That shit is not right. When she told you she didn't have time for arguing then you should just left it at that. You emotional as hell right now. What's the real problem?"

"I ain't trying to hear none of that shit. She wants me to take it back I can't. I am not even sure if it's mine."

"Okay but like you said you didn't tell her that so stop expecting her to know that. I went through this shit with Rain and she had every right to tell how she felt. I never talk to Rain like that, ever. You need to get your shit together. You don't take back your love because she doesn't wanna deal with your bullshit."

"I am bullshit, my life is bullshit. I come with bullshit. That's what she is going to have to deal with because no matter how hard I try I can't get shit right. I am tired of this shit bro."

"I understand that but you can't take it out in her, that is fucked up."

"Bro I don't want this baby, I don't. I really don't. I don't wanna be attached to this girl, she is making my life a living hell. The fact that Chris well Chrissy is making me feel like shit about it."

"She is not saying anything."

"I know but she-"

"It'a in your head because you know you fucked up. She is doing all this shit for you and that one slip up just rearranged all y'all plans. I went through the shit myself, I know how it feels. You can't do that to that girl."

"What did I do?" He ran his hand down his face.

"You-" My phone started ringing. "Hey baby." I sighed. "She alright?"

"She is fine, do you go somewhere she can stay until next week."

"Yeah, she can stay in fortvile. Dee live on that block and I would feel safer if some one was near."

"She said okay and thank you. She wants to go now so I am going to take her to get some food and drop her off and then we can just go back home ourselves."


"I miss my baby anyway." She sighed. "Okay I love you baby."

"I love you too." She hung up.

They were staying at one of my places that I reside at myself but I been staying at Nijay's place. Her mom is there with Xeion, she forces us to go out sometimes but really Nijay just wants to stay in. Which is understandable but she fixate on Xeion and she is scared of everything and she is always nervous about if he is breathing. She is definitely overly obsessive and her mom is trying to help her understand that Xeion will and is going to survive. I knew she would be bad but she is horrible. She is am amazing mother and now that Xeion is becoming more advanced and shit she is teaching him sign language. This shit is fun and exciting but also tiring.

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