Chapter 22

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Rain POV

"But that's the whole thing! I don't wanna argue with you!" Miyomi yelled. "No I am not!"

"Please girl I didn't say shit to you." I spoke calmly. "Chris I am not gone hold you... I came up with this whole vacation so we could chill. Just the day ones but you invited her for what?"

"What you mean that's his whole girl!" Her friend.

"Okay I don't give a fuck. None of his friends like the girl and this was a friends vacation. None of us fuck with her and she brought you here for what? To fight?"

"If I have too!"

"Ard now you got to..." I stood up. "Come on."

"Come on what?"

"Come on and fight." Chris grabbed my arm and I yanked it away from him. "Chris don't touch me."

"You too tough!" She yelled and Miyomi laughed. "I ain't touching nobody unless they touch her. I ain't here to start-"

I walked over to Miyomi and slapped the fuck outta her.

"Woah!" Chris grabbed me and restrained my hands. "Chill..."

"Chris don't do this." I tried to get out his grip.

"Come on let's step outside." He lifted me off my feet and carried me outside.

"No. You don't get to save her. You let her say anything to me and I just take it and take it. This shit is so tiring." I felt myself bubbling up and it was just because the situation was so fuck draining and I just wanna beat her ass but I can't.

"Listen I am gone be on her ass from now on. I am so sorry... I thought you handling yourself well and I didn't realize it was taken a toll on you. I should've known because it fucks with me- don't cry." He pulled me into a hug. "I am gonna fix it okay." He rubbed my back.

"I wanna kill that bitch. Why did you even get her pregnant!" I pushed him and punched him in the chest. "You so stupid." He groaned.

"I deserve that." I hit him again. "Come on get it all out." I just started swinging until I felt like it was enough.

"How can you say you love me and you got her pregnant!" He looked into the house.

"I am sorry!"

"You always say that!"

"Because I don't know what else to do. I keep fucking up! I can't apologize to you enough. I sincerely apologize. I love you and always will! I love you Rain! I don't love her I just fucked up."

"It was my fault I was speaking you in circle and I was playing with your feelings-"

"No what you did needed to be done. That whole situation I put you in was fucked up and you putting me on pause was totally understandable. I fucked you over and you needed time to heal and I was supposed take that time and get to know you better and love you but I didn't. I fuck on some other bitch and got her pregnant. I apologize for that and you have every right to get mad." I nodded.

"I am mad."

"Okay." He sighed. "What can I do?"



"I wanna go shopping."

"You are an emotional shopper." We laughed. "How about its on me." I side eyes him.

"Gifts and money don't fix problems."

"I know but it's put a smile on your face. Plus the pussy after I spend bread on you hit different."

"Who said we was fucking?" I frowned up my face.

"Me... I wanna watch that ass jingle in the restaurant bathroom again.

"Oh that happened like three times and the last time the men literally clapped us out the bathroom."

"That was lit."

"No it was embarrassing and then in the car they was tryna look extra hard. No I am not doing that shit and I'm not sitting beside you in the restaurant cause you play to much."

"You can't tell me that risky fucking isn't the best. Just the fear of getting caught and having to be super quiet is fun."

"I mean yeah but is it worth it?"


"True." We laughed. "I wanna get my hair braided."

"Can you find someone down here to do it I'll sit with you."

"Actually me and Bahia was talking to someone."

"Ard y'all come figure that out and we can be out."

"Why you don't hang out with your baby momma." I sat in the lawn chair and he sat on the end. "You ain't hang out with her all week and we got what four more days out here?" He nodded.

"I just been having time to think and shit and she isn't my cup of tea and I been knew that but when all that shit went down with her brother and this that and the third. I had to act a certain way and make sure I didn't slip up but I slipped up." He sighed. "I just feel like what did I get myself into? This is too much plus shit getting sticky in the field. She stressing me out and shit like that like I don't need that monkey on my back and it feel like I already got the world on my back. I got my little bro and shit like that and I been doing great with keeping him off the scenes and it's like that's where he wanna be. He looked up to me and this was all I have shown him and its fucked up. I can't imagine him coming into the street shit."

"Plus you did all this work for him not to even think about being in the streets but maybe he saw shit different. He is becoming a man now and soon he is gonna become independent and he will make or want to make his own money his own way." He nodded. "I never met him but just talking to him on the phone I can tell he is sweet and innocent and smart." I shrugged. "He not built for the shit you go through and he will realize that but you can't be too hard on him. He just wanna be like you."

"I try not to be hard on him but I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I put my brother through shit or put a target on his back."

"And that is totally understandable."

"Come on let get the show on the road. I am hungry."

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