Power Rangers Robo Force

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a what if power ranger adapation to Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger.

story : in earth where technological progress is faster, many robotics starts to ramp up and in fact integrated into society instead of making them slaves, however one robot became rebellious and thus a movement is formed, know as the Force War.. Many lives are lost and the vault of legacy *Which held all power ranger items, morphers and powers* have been released, the robot who started the rebellion is named clockshift, when the robot tries to absorb it, it suddenly crippled him and the powers are sealed into the mystical gears named "Ranger gears", it spun away and sealed into the many, many ranger worlds. Clockshift is flabbergasted, and angered that he swore himself that he will get that power.

In the main world *Robo Force*, Richard T. *Technologia* Ruben *PR counterpart to Kaito Goshikida* found himself some trouble as his home, the cafe de steampunk, was being targeted by the Shiftackers, Armed with the Geargunner, he uses the Kaiser Gear and he becomes Kaiser Ranger, along with his robotic allies, Murphy might / Kaiser Ranger Might *PR counterpart to Juran*, Melia Mystic / Kaiser Ranger Magick *PR counterpart to magine*, Puma T'kalla / Kaiser Ranger Wild *PR counterpart to Gaoh*, and Dozer / Kaiser Ranger Drive *PR counterpart to vroon*. they form team Robo to fight against clockshift tyrannical dynasty, the Imperial Machine empire *Which according to Murphy, the machine empire was destroyed by Lord zedd and the rangers, though Dozer corrects him that it wasn't destroyed, they got a new brand name to distance themselves from the original machine empire*.

The main cast

Richard T. Ruben: The leader of the Robo Force, age 30, dark brown, black eyes, 5"9, lean build, and pale skin, richard is somehow a normal kind of person and always play music, Richard became the only son when his brother disappears without a trace, Still richard searches for his brother answers, his personality seems to be good but at times with some neutral-evil, empathic and sympathetic, calm, and very a bro. Also he is a explorer, searching the worlds for the ranger gears. he uses the Geargunner as his main weapon

Murphy Might : Sergeant of the Armed Robotic forces to defend humans and robots, He is in fact 48 years old despite his robotic age, He is the current Kaiser Ranger Might as the older successors have long since deceased, he is friends with Richard and he is from the World of Mighty morphin power rangers. of course he has the sergeant personality mixed in with juran personality. also he is fond of dogs/birds and likes to dance. His human form is somehow look handsome despite his age, black hair with red like tips *Which is styled as a sergeant-army*, orange-yellow eyes, stands about 6"1, has a muscular but hunky build, tan skin, and wears army sergeant clothes

Puma T'kalla : In the jungles of Wild Fury, Puma is the tribal member of the T'kalla tribe, however he got separated from his tribe after the imperial machine empire manage to destroy the defensive barriers. Puma swore himself that he will get them in no time, While he has dislikes of humans, he still does wanted to protect them as long as they don't antagonize him. he is 30 years old and his personality is a mix of Gaon but with loner, serious, and somehow quiet. He has fondness of cats and dinosaurs *Which oddly enough puts him into Murphy territory*, Puma is supposedly the next Kaiser Wild Ranger but was forced into his position after many tribes of wild fury starts fighting over it. Puma human form is dark skin, he is tall *5"10*, blonde hair with green tips *Dreadlocks like hairstyle*, jade-green eyes, and surprisingly wears gangster like outfit *Which he isn't part off*

Melia Mystic: Somehow a young *Age 25* Fortune teller who either gives people the best of good luck or the worst of bad luck, Melia is somehow a nice, fun, and very cute girl like personality with a mix of magine, however don't go into her bad side as she dislikes dirt/trash, no strawberries, and if put into a edge, she'll just summon her magical "Whacking" Stick and whacks Richard or anyone who dares to litter. Melia is a in training Kaiser Ranger Magick and when her school was seized/compromised, she is able to cast a magical spell that causes shifttackers turned into pile of snow, though not enough to stop giant shiftattackers, she is teleported by the mystic sorceress into the main world, there she met richard, her human form is somehow cuter looking. black hair with pink tips, magenta eyes, stands about 5"6 in height, fair skin, and wears dress with boots, gloves, and a little pink pouchbag, also she wears puffy bloomers.

Dozer: From the Turbo Overdrive World, Dozer is part of the legendary turbo / operation overdrive rangers until clockshift arrival to takeover that world, however while the takeover is quick, Dozer manage to hid himself from the oncoming forces, however due to him finding the corona Aurora which blinded him, he is founded by clockshift and force to work as a janitor, until his apparent firing by clockshift himself after a "Well Tampered" Tantrum after the defeat of CardTm Robotroid. Dozer joins Richard team and he is in fact secretly Kaiser Ranger Drive. Turns out his blindness was a lie, he has normal eyesight but pretended that he is blind. His personality is a bit of vroon *Small bit* but somehow likes adventure, serious, and likes to build some muscle, which murphy agrees on, his human form is quite a bodybuilder?! Hazel-brown hair with white-blue tips, stands about 6"2, wears gray sweat pants and a black jacket with no shirt on, his pecs are well build and dark-tan skin.

extra ranger is Robert barthy *Gold Kaizer Pirate Ranger*, Stephen "Stacy" *A Renegade to imperial machine empire and Purple Kaiser Shadow Ranger*

Main antagonist is Clockshift *King of the Imperial machine empire*, Tesidon *robotic scientist*, crowley *A giant parrot like bird*, and "Kaiser Death" *Which is revealed to be Ryan T. Ruben, Richard missing brother*

Supporting cast is Johnny T. Ruben *Richard father*, Cameo *Somehow a robotic parrot of richard*, and "G" *one of the robotroid brokers*, also Robert Barthy friends, Kira, Double - Axiom and Xion *Two mini robots*

Their morphin call "Kaiser Robo Force! Start the gear!"

The main trinkets are ranger gears *with un-adapted seasons having names, Kiramager - Gem Sage, Zyuogher - Primal Force, Kyuranger - Galaxy Rangers obviously, etc*

(Do not make it into a scenario for now..)

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