Burst Spirit evolution (Digimon frontiers X Savers)

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Requirement is the transcendence digimon of the ten elements..

Since there are two *EmperorGreymon and MagnaGarurumon*, here are the others.

Transcendence warrior of Ice: PolarUrsamon 
A giant polar bear like warrior with it's forehead having the warrior's mark of ice, carries two giant norse-style hammers and each clap causes the world to freeze on it's forelegs.

Transcendence Warrior of wind: Alunsinamon 
A Righteous Warrior who takes form of a Mask heroine, wielding a swordgun named "Mistress", she can call upon the hurricane and winds alike and possessed a trinket, Cyclone Riser

Transcendence Warrior of Thunder: StagBeetlemon
A Warrior who believes in pure true justice, with it's horn split into two similar to stag beetles, StagBeetlemon gains a golden lightning color along with lightning blue as it's alternative, it's said that the kick can cause crackling thunder to appear, on it's waist, a lightning beetle with numbers showing 1/29/06 *In reference to Kamen Rider Kabuto first airing*

Transcendence Warrior of Steel/Metal: Iwainushimon 
A corporal statue like warrior and said to be floating without touching the ground, Iwainushimon possessed multitude of swords and focus on melee rather than magic

Transcendence Warrior of Water: Yemojamon
A beautiful mermaid like warrior who possessed a slim form and can dive into waters below, her voice can attract many male digimon's

Transcendence Warrior of Wood: Grovemon
Giant-Treant like digimon that release multitudes if not thousands of sharp leaves, giant spore bombs fuming from the branches where the fruit is, and can release poison breath

Transcendence Warrior of Earth: Atlasmon
A titan like digimon whose chains are broken the yoke of the earth, and can cause crackling destruction

Transcendence Warrior of Darkness: Aarumon
A Ascended Digimon with it's wings being similar to sphinxes and possessed four tails, embodying the four senses and carries a sarcophagus, balance with scales, and a ankh

Once achieving Burst Evolution, their stats increased but at risk of losing control towards it

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