Final Fantasy : Chaos of shadows

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Well alternative AU where my OC's lives out their lives as Final fantasy characters but with added shenanigans.

Blaz is a red-black mage with spells that invokes more on damaging status effects, He relies on clubs and staves as his weapon, his mage armor is.. quite revealing to be exact

Asterion is a warrior, wielding every weapon type and including improbable weapons, if you mess with him, you'll get the painful experience of having your spine discombobulated without feeling one thing. he wears barbarian armor but without the chest piece

Edmund is a priest-pugilist? Not only his attacks deal both healing to his allies and damage to his enemies, what makes up for wielding a pair of knuckles infused with holy light? He uses exorcism spells. Edmund wears priest garbs except the fact that it was loose and he's only wearing his jockstrap

Gilgamesh is a bard of sorts. Purely base on heals and damage, Gilgamesh melammu dingir act as the catalyst of many songs, of course he is a archer but without a bow and using GoB While using the tablet of destinies

The Job evolves as their XP progresses 

Blaz can become Warlock or Spellsword, Warlock deals more damage and can cast demonic forces, Spellsword is a fusion of a mage and swordsman, Wielding sword on one hand and magic on the other, a balance of both

Asterion can become Berserker or Tyrant, Berserker is a all-out class wielding glaives, swords, and many other weapons at it's disposal, throwing away defense for offense, berserker gives into it's bestial desires, Tyrant uses fists and imbued elemental powers at it's disposal, not only they're force to be reckoned with but also exploits enemies weaknesses of their elements. uses fist weapons 

Edmund can become Monk or Archbishop, Monk infuses every light into their weapons and at the same time, uses chi as substitute to Mana. Archbishop uses pure holy light to deal damage and at the same time, sacrifice a portion of their defense and offense for full support

Gilgamesh can become Windwaker or Sage, Windwaker is a class that uses full power of songs and the wind itself, as if it was singing to him, gilgamesh can wreak havoc upon his enemies and at the same time, reducing them to nothing, Sage uses the Sigil and borrowing powers from White mage/Priest and black mage, the songs of many will hurt them all as the notes and strings becomes a deadly force.

The four while not being warriors of light, they are consider "The four lords" Which is often regarded as the one who will bring a total end to evil and darkness and the total control of the world.

This is also tied to one of the summons that can be used upon levelling the job path

Blaz can summon Lich (Warlock) or Bahamut (Spellsword).
Lich when summoned cast Apocalypse (Earth base spell, can instant kill targets base on health) or Necromancy Revival (Dark base spell, Revives dead enemies to fight against a enemy)
Bahamut when summoned can cast Flare (High-Tier Fire spell) or TeraFlare (??? tier fire spell)

Asterion can summon Marilith (Berserker) or Ifrit (Tyrant)
Marilith when summoned cast Ruinous Slash (Lightning base skill with hundred slashes) or Scream of Kali (Dark base skill which stuns enemies)
Ifrit when summoned cast Infernal judgement (Fire spell which reigns down meteors) or Ragnarok (fire spell that can call upon magmatic lava pillars)

Edmund can summon Kraken (Monk) or odin (Archbishop)
Kraken when summoned can cast Charybdis (Water base skill that floods arena and summon heads of charybdis), or Davy Jones locker (Water base skill that summons the ghost ship)
Odin when summoned cast Hugin and Munnin (Light base spell that act as summoned pets to hurt enemies) or Gungir (Lightning base spell that throws the heavenly spear of destiny to the area and explodes)

Gilgamesh can summon Tiamat (Windwaker) or Diablos (Sage)
Tiamat when summoned cast Flood of Abzu (Water-Light base skill) or Dragonic Tears (Water-Wind base skill)
Diablos when summoned cast DOOM LVL ??? (Dark base skill) or Ars goetia - first ring (A Another dark base skill)

the Antagonist are the lufenians who realized that these new lords is the opposition to the order.

The Allies is in fact Jack Garland / Garland / Chaos Garland and golbez from FFIV

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