Skullgirls: Sins of Inferno - Dante

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" < As long as the Engraved aspect of ___ is borne upon anyone. i am willing to repay the price.> 
Symbol: The Train symbol with clock face - Limbus company
Title: Durante - 10th | Manager of Limbus company |

"Command twelve sinners to help you in the fight, "< My heart is bind to twelve sinners, but i am their manager who are in need..>" "

"Engrave your enemies with the seven deadly sins, "< Seven sins, seven colors, all of which embody the city dark purpose..>" "

Purple - Envy (Blocking becomes obsolete, reckless attack)

Teal - Gloom (Special meter is drained)

Green - Gluttony (Blockbuster cost more)

yellow - sloth (Attack becomes slower alongside blockbuster)

Red - wrath (Burn damage)

Orange - Lust (Locked to one move)

Blue - Pride (Damage increase to enemy but has access to blockbuster easily)

"Unleash the potential E.G.O Combo! "<Sooner or later, this will be your grave.. > " "

Their fighting style is basically summoner with a bit of rushdown.


Level 1 - Bodysack of vengeance (Dante soon uses heathcliff ego and swinging the sack to hit their enemies enemies few times before ending with a smash) / Blood of sancho (Dante uses don quixote e.g.o and charges forward and thrust a few times before fully thrusting it in) / What is cast (Dante summons a ice axe and throws it at his opponent, once hit this explodes into ice splinters) 

Level 2 - Forest of the Snagharpoon (Dante uses ryoshu and Ishmael E.G.O As first is a harpoon bind their opponent and drags them in before slashing them apart with the katana) / Chains of illusions (Dante combines hong lu land of illusions and meursault chains of others, binding the enemies down with speed down from chains and delusion *A status effect that is constantly draining special* from the water) / To suddenly one day (Dante soon uses outis e.g.o and combine it with Gregor and performs a dash forward, bullet fired before the cockroach arm slams the opponent down

Level 3 - Representation of knowledge (Combining faust and sinclair e.g.o, dante swing their axe towards their opponent and slash them as black and white took over before ending with the axe slamming down as mystical numbers and signs appears) / Divina Commedia (Divine comedy, Dante chains unravels from his chest and binds enemies before ending with seven sins *Gloom, pride, gluttony, lust, envy, wrath, and sloth* gathering inside the opponent and exploding)

Color palette - only six so far.
1 - original
2 - Master of Limbus (master of chaldea : Fate/Grand order)
3 - Doctor of Limbus island (Doktah / Doctor : Arknights)
4 - Sky wavering Manager (Gran/Djeeta : Granblue fantasy)
5 - Black silence (Roland : Library of ruina)
6 - AI of the corporation (Angela : Lobotomy corporation)

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