Kamen Rider Aliens species (Ben 10)

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Showa Prime 

HopperStorm. Each species of the hopperStorm is different but share a style of scarves except Amazons, ZX, ZO, Black, and V3 (Base on Kamen Rider 1, 2, Amazons, Black, ZO, ZX, V3, and amazons (Showa)

Heisei Prime A1

LeoKuga, Each has molting/evolution from growing to mighty to ultimate (Base on Kamen Rider Kuuga)

TriAgi, can change into three aspects of trinity (Base on Kamen Rider Agito)

MirroRagon, Dragonic aliens with ability to traverse into mirrors (Base on Kamen Rider Ryuki)

SpadeBeetle: Insect theme aliens with their ability to charge lightning and evolving into their Jack/King form (Base on Kamen Rider Blade)

AXL8R, a divergence to the XLR8 Species with them being more controlled with their speed . True name, Exceeleran (Base on Kamen Rider Faiz, a divergent evolution to XLR8 species, The Kineceleran)

OniBaku, A Tapir-theme Alien with drums on their side (Base on Kamen Rider Hibiki)

KabutoLocker , Bearing the ability to cast off their molt for speed (Base on Kamen Rider Kabuto)

DenTrain, Being themed as elephants and mammoths, they wield specific weapons (Base on Kamen Rider Den-O)

FangVamp, Divergent evolution to Vladt, True name is Kibavat, with their manipulation of chains and use of the whistles of the moon (Base on Kamen Rider Kiva)

DimensionSappien (Base on Kamen Rider Decade, with them being shark themed)

Heisei Prime A2

RocHawk (Base on Kamen Rider Double, Avian theme with their ability to switch elements/properties of themselves at play)

Bovionao (Base on Kamen Rider OOO with their DNA capable of mix-matching)

KongZe (Base on Kamen Rider Fourze, Gorilla powered with science)

MahouRagon (Base on Kamen Rider Wizard, powerful winged dragon aliens with their sub-species, hurricane, water, and land)

WarlorDaimyo (Base on Kamen Rider Gaim, Animal and insect themed Aliens with their weapon arms at play)

DriveLeo (Base on Kamen Rider Drive, lion themed aliens along with kuuga and capable of switching their manes and paddings of feet)

Wispee (Base on Kamen Rider Ghost, Divergent to Ectonurite that Wispee species name is EctoSouls/EctonuDamashii, With them capable of seeing things beyond the sight along with use of soul eyes)

Galvanic GamerMorph (Divergent to galvanic mechamorph, Base on Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, not only their gamers but their very well powerful in gaming tech consoles)

RhinoHare (Base on Kamen Rider Build, Rhinos themed aliens with the hopping and speed of a hare/rabbit)

Brach-IoKing (Base on Kamen Rider Zi-O, A Vaxasaurian evolved to have the ability to use time travel at will and defeating anomalies of other people)

Reiwa Prime

HopperRise (Base on Kamen Rider Zero-one, Convergent evolution of HopperStorm, now bearing their intellect for the use of Data of animals)

StoryRagon (Base on Kamen Rider Saber, Dragon themed aliens with their knowledge of history and stories)

Revi-Vrex (Base on Kamen Rider Revice, Rex Theme aliens with their powers drawing from the DNA samples and genetics)

GeatsWulf (Base on Kamen Rider Geats, unknown data)

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