Roman Gods (Appmon/Digimon)

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God Grade Appmon with no direct standard grade appmon's and are named after the roman gods (Though since Ouranos is a alternative name to uranus, so why not)

Hadesmon - Plutomon (The Hungry Soul of centauri)
Appearance: Plutomon resembles a giant meteor with a single eye having encoded data, the number I appears in the celestial ring 
Signature attack: Gate of Pluto, River Styx

Gaiamon - Tellusmon (Earth mother of the land)
Appearance; Resembling a humanoid earth titan with vegetation, the number II appears as a cloud of sky surrounding tellusmon head
Signature attack: Gaea Rage, Motherland heal

Ouranosmon - Uranusmon (The Stormy Clouds of judgement)
Appearance: Resembling a elemental of thunder with rings of orbs surrounding it's body, acting as a limiter, number III are etched into the orbs
Signature attack: Lightning judgement, Jupiter Rain

poseidonmon - Neptunemon (The Deep Sea prong)
Appearance: Resembling a giant whale with a trident on the side of it's body and can be release as a missile, the number IV was etched into it's forehead 
Signature attack: Trident Stab, Wavering Sea god of The Roman pantheon

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