Prophecy of chaos (OC)

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Playable characters:

Kirigakure kakorou and Nox Noir
(Kirigakure Kakorou [ The Misty Lion Emperor ] : The Imperial Emperor of the Fog, He is 35 years old and lives in a castle, which is said to be always engulf in fog, his Servants is Kogare akihiro, the dragon Shrine priest, Kinzaku and Ginzaku Kabari, the twin dragons of gold and silver, and Ryutaro Kamiya, the dragon whose guns release a climax

Nox Noir [ The Shadow guardian ] - A Dusknoir who is floating around the place, notably know for his natural affinity to spirits and ghost, he is a ghost type with his belly-mouth opened showing spirit flames, also a caretaker to duskulls that is floating around his sanctuary along with duskclops

Shot type :

Kirigakure (Foggy Mist style)
Imperial Mist Burst (Shotgun + Foggy mist-like clouds acting similarly to Aoji shitodo bubble + wave shot type in Len'en 4)

Bomb: "Sulphur Misty storm"

Nox Noir (Ghostly specialist)
Shadow ball (Nox Noir release a ball of darkness and explodes upon contact with enemies)

Bomb: "Ghost Sign : Hex Ritual"


Nostradamus Schrodinger [ The Prophet of Disastrous Events ]
Spell card: 12
Prophecy "Fall of Rome" (Easy-Lunatic)
(Spell card info: Raining fire from above then arrows comes in next)
Prophecy "Invasion of the Aztecs" (Easy-normal) / "Invasion of Mexico" (Hard-Lunatic)
(Spell card info: in easy and normal difficulty, knives in red comes down first then gold coins bullets, Hard-Lunatic is basically more red knives and gold coins, also lasers! hooray for pain!)
Prophecy "Flooding of atlantis" (easy-Normal) / "Deepsea burial of atlantis" (Hard-Lunatic)
(Spell card info: In Easy-Normal, supposedly giant bubble bullets comes in first but i decide that it's better to be blue circle bullets first then giant, but in hard-lunatic, it's the giant bubble bullets first and blue flaming fireballs)
Occult sign "Azathoth Requiem" (Easy-normal) / "Azathoth Idiotic Requiem" (hard-lunatic)
(Spell card info: Now it's just pure pain, both spell card have randomized bullets and a yellow sun coming down)
Occult Prophecy "Insmouth Terror" (Easy-Lunatic)
(Spell card info: Fish shaped bullets and human shape bullets, what expects the terror? Random lasers appearing beneath your feet)
Occult Sign "Sons of Shub-niggurath" (Easy-Lunatic)
(Spell card info: Hooray! Nug and yeb appears as a eldritch abomination with nug firing flames with lasers attach and yeb release different type of bullets)
Occult art "Flies from a another world" (Easy-Normal) / "Flies of Mother hydra" (Hard-lunatic)
(Spell card info: Basically it's the steroids version of yukari yakumo spell card in fantastic danmaku festival part 2, but this time, the flies are predictable via horizontal markers glowing in red, only applied to easy-normal, but in hard-lunatic, it's way worse, now more flies comes in all directions and it's unpredictable)
"INEVITABLE DEMISE" (Survival Easy-Normal) / "NO FUTURE" (Hard-Lunatic)
(Spell card info: Well basically Nostradamus summoned a eldritch abomination that can eat up bullets and drag you (The player) for a treat, just dodge the bullets from behind, Hard and lunatic versions now have lasers and tighter spaces)
Occult art "Roulette of Dagon"
(Spell card info: Hey it's russian roulette but harder, remember to find a occult eye, it will lead you to safety, the fake occult eyes have no marking)
Occult sign "Yog-sothoth governing Gate" (easy-normal) / "Silver Gate that leads to one's demise" (Hard-Lunatic)
(Spellcard info: Yog-sothoth is summoned via a portal, tentacles and lasers inbound!, hard and lunatic difficulty replaces yog-sothoth with a silver Key and this time, giant bubble bullets and small bullets are added)
Occult Sign "Sephiroth And Qliphoth" (easy-Normal" / "tree of Life and death" (hard-lunatic)
(Spell card info: This is just Simon's say but a little bit harder, guess the color! And of course in hard-lunatic it replaces with a more deadlier version, now with two colors instead of one)
Prophecy "Revolution Anarchy" (Easy) / "Anarchism Breakdown" (Normal" / "Destruction of Laws" (Hard) / "Complete Discord of Mankind" (Lunatic)
(Spell card info: All Random bullets but with added difficulty, Lasers on normal, Flaming bullets on hard, and Familiars appearing and exploding mini suns on lunatic)

Extra final spell card:
Nostradamus Arcanum "Eldritch bounded field"
(It's not a post-ending battle without some Bounded field action, now it's arrows mixed in with talismans!)

Theme: Iron Curtain between human & Yokai (Fantastic danmaku festival Part II)

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