Demi-Inferno Demons (Bayonetta)

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Also know as Demi-gods inferno demons, the phantasmal remnants leaves a stronger force that must be conquered and obtain their weapons, bayonetta can find each demon per chapter.

Alexandar - The War-Conquer Demon 
Resembling a bipedal-humanoid wolf, it's war scars is shown and always wear the conqueror's regalia/armor with heavy plating shoulderpads and wields a sword attached scabbard, he also rides his famous war-horse, bucephalus
Weapon: Polemikí lepída tou theoú kataktití (War-blade of the conquering god), a demonic greatsword with a scabbard on the middle, this house the demon alexandar 

King Minos - The Labyrinth king
Resembling a coffin with enochian language engraved in the middle, when revealing it's true form, it's a mechanical monstrosity of gears, cogs, and torture equipment, fitting for a labyrinth like deity, it's rock-covered mechanical stilts have maze like designs
Weapon: Minotaurus (Four-Paired nunchucks with each hit release a loud bull charge), housed King Minos

Shatterer of the earth - Hekatoncheir 
The Many armed Demon needs to renew bayonetta contract. seriously
Weapon : Platinum Starlight (Pair of gauntlets and greaves that is said that the impact is similar to hekatoncheir)

The Nightmarish Mare - Diomedes 
Same goers to diomedes
Weapon: Chimaera (A Multi-formed weapon that has different forms, scythe, bow, katana, or a spear)

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