Bayonetta: Double Climax (Bayonetta X Kamen Rider Den-O / Revice)

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Within Inferno (After bayonetta 3 true ending)

Cereza, Jeanne, snd Luka sees that inferno has changed and was in a time pause and now ruled by the Neo-Deadman cult, the unknown organization who created the Animal genome base Stamps, the Neo-vistamps, and while the homunculus are defeated, something is very wrong.

Viola encounters bat and rabbit imagin's and during her fight, she also fought against Neo Brachio and Mammoth deadmans *Phase 3 which now resembles giant monsters with the animal genomes being more noticeable forms the main riders, Brachio having a needle stuck on it's chest with the kanji meaning "king", and mammoth having the peach like visor design on it's side of the face*, though saved by a imagin named Momotaros

"Keep your shit up Viola" Momotaros summons his sword

"H-How did you know my name?!" Viola yelled at momotaros

"I said keep your shit up! you're fighting against my kind, the imagin's" Momotaros spoke "And the other kind? Revice told me they're deadmans, people who got stamped with a proto vistamp to awaken to the inner demons, however unlike the usual's, these New stamps turns people into monsters permanently, we had to kill them or else this place is gonna shatter like glass"

"Alright, fine! Have it your way then" Viola soon slashes through different imagin's as Momotaros soon groans

"Alright! Let's go! Henshin!" Soon momotaros uses the Den-O belt and henshin, soon as Kamen Rider Den-O is finished, Momotaros soon uses the rider pass -momotaros and enters Sword-Form "I have arrived!"

On Inferno

"Ikki!!!" A strange demon seems to be wandering in the forest of inferno "Where are you?!"

Soon vice sees Eagle/Condor deadman and it flew towards him

"Eep!" Vice dodges "Well If Ikki isn't here, i can handle this myself" Soon Vice placed the copied revice driver into his waist.

" I will fight my way back!"

Soon The World restarts as the neo deadman cult took over inferno, bayonetta, jeanne, and luka returned to earth via denliner, and homunculi returns. But fighting against the neo deadman, and imagin's

New weapons

Den-Liner Express (Pair of club-like tonfas that resembles Dead end express except it wasn't dead end-express at all, capable of summoning Momotaros, Ryutaros, Kintaros, and Urataros, exclusive to viola)
Demon masquerade: Summons the four main imagin and do their own thing, cannot be controlled but acts as AI's 

Ishmael : A Anchor said to inhabit a powerful demonic soul named "Kraken", "Leviathan", and "Charybdis". Exclusive to viola after defeating a darkness version of bayonetta and uses it as her first umbran weapon.
Demon masquerade: Viola soon assumes form of the powers of all three demons and becomes akin to scylla or the sirens, in fact her legs becomes mermaid like with three souls at play
Kraken - Ink, Mass AoE Attack
Leviathan - Deep water, Tank
Charybdis - Sunken, DPS
Unique commands:
Chains of the deep (Leviathan)
Ink storm (Kraken)
Whirlpool Extinction (Charybdis)

For the Crossover Ending

Den-O, in his climax form, performs the ultimate Rider slash and destroys the beam coming from singularity : Chaos. while it took great risk, it didn't damage the imagin and the Belt as Revice soon performs Rex stamping Remix finish which damages the singularity. Finally, Den-O Climax performs one last finisher
"This is your final stop singularity but you can't stop the power of the Denliner!"
Soon Deneb, Futaros *in my own headcanopn, Futaros when used by Den-O Becomes Shuriken | Shield Form*, ryutaros, Urataros, kintaros, and sieg appears

Super Climax Extreme Slash!

momotaros soon slashed first with extreme slash which bounced towards urataros and does solid attack, then kintaros goes for dynamic chop, and Ryutaros firing a Wild shot, all four imagin attacks hits singularity and shatters the shell, then the aura bounced towards deneb, sieg, and futaros, Sieg soon smirks and flies upward and performs royal smash as the dengashers glows in white and smashed the singularity, Deneb soon combines all three finishers *Splendid end, Grand strike, and buster nova* and names it for himself, Splendid Grand Buster, as he release a beam attack, Finally Futaros performs Radial bounce with the shuriken shield, soon with all colors formed on Den-O dengasher sword, Den-O finishes off with a giant slash, thus ending the threat of homunculi and saving bayonetta, luka, and jeanne from their "Fate to hell"

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