Limbus company Unique EGO's (OC)

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[HARMONY] - Gregor (Envy) / Singing machine
"The Song will play on it's finest tune once it eats a human"
Gregor seems to be wearing a musician outfit but tattered and has a bright yellow gem attached to a shawl, his cockroach arm is replaced with what seems to be a guitar like instrument with the gear grinding inside.
It's corrosion form seems to take this to the extreme, resembling the addicted employees from library of ruina with his eyes already bewitched by the song, now his guitar arm is detached and he wields it with the gears coming out.
Non Corrosion: "The machine needs music for it to play"
Corrosion: "The Song, The Melody! IT WILL KEEP ON PLAYING!"
Passive: I CRAVE THAT MELODY (Four envy resources), increase slash/blunt damage 

[Sanguine desire] - Sinclair (Lust) / Red Shoes
"You will never take the red shoes off!"
Sinclair seems to be wearing a bloody red suit with the bones and a red gem like button on the chest, he also wears a tie and bloody red gloves. wields a bloody halberd with the bones. also wears boots
It's corrosion form seems to be bloodied with the bone like design finally forming wings and sinclair ankles have been gashed in a slant line like position.
Non Corrosion: "You Will never take the red shoes off!"
Passive: "Spell of Perversion" (Two Wrath Resonance, Bleed count increase by 2+ [4+ If identities are bleed oriented])

[Da Capo] - Meursault (Pride) / Silent orchestra
"From the Ruin, the beautiful performance begins"
Meursault seems to be wearing a orchestra maestro outfit but it's white, black, and gray by color scheme, seems to be wearing a mask with two glowing eyes and a treble clef in the middle, the glowing color seems to be similar to the silent orchestra and carries a baton like weapon rather than a fist.
It's corrosion form seems to be meursault suddenly "Wrapped" by curtains acting as a noose and he's "Floating" or hanging there his baton became fist like weapon and his orchestra maestro outfit is coated in paint like blood.
Non Corrosion: "From The Ruin, the beautiful performance begins"
Corrosion: "The movement will never be broken..."
Passive: Ruinous Performance (Four Pride resources, Stagger threshold is randomized after EGO Use)

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